RF, Microwave, Ham Radio


(1/462) > >>

[1] 153-279kHz LW radio to receive 15-150kHz ultrasounds

[2] Controlling Special Chinese Module MAX2870 TFT Unit DDS Generator

[3] How to activate Licenses for Anritsu MG3700 Vector Signal Generator ?

[4] One antenna with band switching between 2M (144MHz) and 70cm (440MHz)

[5] Drake SPR-4 Shortwave Receiver

[6] VNA for cable characterization

[7] Quansheng UV5 (new 2024 V5.00.03) wont allow FW change or chirp. Any Clues?

[8] Ceramic pcb evaluation project brainstorming

[9] CB and Ham Radio Techs Love Their Bird Wattmeters


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