There is his very very good *broadcast* show (on HF SW) radio about radio- the immediacy of radio, and the appeal of ham radio..
Right now I'm listening on 9475 KHz.. It is a really great show.. Their url is ""
Here's some of the things they are saying, that I agree with..
"radio is really magic.."
It really is...
Also, - according to manufacturers of CW hardware, paradoxically, "since they dropped the code requirement, interest in CW has really taken off!"
LOL.. that seems true, at least to me, in that suddenly, I'm interested in it, even though in the past I thought it was something I would never be that interested in..
See attached screen shot.. taken yesterday evening.. Clearly the 20 second burst thing I was talking about in another thread 9probably some kind of CW contest?) wasn't happening yesterday..
Shown is 40 meters, a lot of CW QSOs going on, and the 60 second burstiness of JT-modes around 7.076-7.079.
Now the show, they just told us their name.. "QSOradio" show- is talking about broadcast radio, the sad takeover of many great independent broadcast stations and their being turned into cookie cutter stations..
Whenever I stumble across this show, I like it. Need to figure out some way with my SDRs to 'bookmark' radio shows so they come up..