For best sensitivity you peak the cans for maximum recovered 455KHz. Bandwidth will be whatever it is. If a balanced sideband response is important (and it probably isn't) then you 'stagger tune' the I.F. with a sweep generator to give the desired I.F. passband. Usually requires an R.F. Detector probe to feed a D.C. analog of the I.F. output and a sweep generator that provides a sawtooth sweep voltage output. The sweep gen sawtooth output drives the horizontal input of the scope and the R.F. probe drives the vertical input. When all is set up correctly you get a trace on the scope that looks like the side view of an upside down bucket sitting on a floor.
BW? Usually you just adjust the IF strip for max signal out of the detector or speaker with a modulated 455kHz test signal very lightly coupled in (you want the AGC at max gain), so every can is peaked to 455 in circuit. Bandwidth is baked in, I think in a single tuned transistor radio IF can this is set by the Q of the tuned circuit on the collector side, but that's about the limit of my understanding.
IIRC some old HiFi consoles had you optionally do a sweep alignment of the AM IF, so you could see and shape the passband by slightly detuning the cans or something to that effect. Something I've only read about, mostly an academic exercise with how little music is on AM anymore.
Thank you. This kit is definitely a relative of the ThaiKit Cure Tracer. Lots of traps.
Yes, AGC is maxed. And the 3 IF stages are peaked with good traces.
I am fine up until the oscillator. The final BW is 4kHz which seems low. Plus, I am having difficulty getting the 400Hz from the 540/1600kHz carrier modulated by the 400 Hz signal at 80%. The frequency does change with the tuning capacitor, so I do not think that is the issue.
It does not help that the board is highly sensitive to 60 Hz even though I am in a basement, turn all LEDs off and attached the ckt ground to earth. Using a battery to power the ckt, so not coming in from that.
May be my setup, but in addtiion to complaining about the noise pickup, youtubers also seem to have difficulty at the point of final tuning.. Part of it may be the range of the trimmer on the tuner is too compressed which makes it hard to find the signals.
On the other hand, it has been a good learning platform. Scope, sig gen, transistor biases, calculating ckt voltages and currents, etc. So while I struggle, I learn.