I don't see any bare copper in the fracture line. The insulation looks like polyethylene too, which would melt under soldering temperature.
Yes, there isn't bare copper. It's aluminium.
After applying the copper tape, can you hold everything together with heat-shrink tubing?
A heat shrink tube would be best, but the toroid rings stand in the way. As the 2nd best solution, I will tightly wrap electrical tape around the Cu tape.
A local member here also was able to provide me with details on how to enable the PNAs higher range. It is now limited to 9GHz (which we will use to make these TDR comparisons). I am using a homemade short and load cal standard along with a sorted Mini-Circuits terminator that had the best return loss of a group I purchased. I used another members Matlab scripts to calculate the coefficents based on a set of Aglient standards. The problem is, that data was all taken at 6GHz. Point being, the measurements will have errors but because we are looking at a relative change, should be alright.
I started out measuring the cloned test cable that was terminated to 50 ohms and saved that as my baseline (Step1).
Next I bent the coax to form a small split (Step2). This time I only bent it to the point where about half the shield had cracked.
I then attempted to use some 3M copper foil to repair the damage. There was little change so I attempted to press the foil into the gap with a sharp edge (Step3).
:-) Using a torque wrench is a reasonable behaviour in my book. I will only ostracise those who brandish the depth gauge!
I am amazed by the length you have gone to replicate my cable - down to the toroid rings. Thank you very much for the time, effort & your considerable expertise. Your TDR measurement really opened my eyes to another error mechanism. I initially thought the problem will be confined to signal leakage when measuring receiver MDS / sensitivity.
Pertaining to your TDR measurement, I can't help but notice that the undamaged cable has deviations that are almost as large as the cracked one. Assuming 49.8ohm as the nominal Zo, the max. deviations in both directions are +1.4 ohm and -1.8 ohm. I guess the deviations are caused by a bent which has the effect of compressing the dielectric on the inner side, while stretching it at the outside.
Going back to the taped cable, what are the potential effect/s of the Zo changes on the sig-gen's performances? Degradation in the amplitude flatness over frequency? Referring to the TDR graph, the taped cable's Zo variations don't look significantly worse than the undamaged's.
On replacing the semi-rigid, one problem is I live in a Third World country where microwave stuff are hard to come by.
73, Leong, 9W2LC.
I am trying to figure out how the deviation from nominal Zo can affect sig-gen's performance. According to Joeqsmith’s TDR measurement, the Zo rises to 51.8 ohm at the crack location (L = ~0.38m).
Eyeballing the gap, its widest point is ~ a quarter mm and the crack covers ~1/3 of of the coax circumference. Assume after taping, the discontinuity’s equivalent length is 0.1 mm. The wavelength Λ at 1 GHz in coax with 0.7 Vp = 300 x 0.7 = 210 mm. So, the 0.1 mm gap translates to electrical degree at 1 GHz, (0.1 / 210) x 360 = 0.2 deg.
The equivalent discontinuity is modeled using the TLIN component in a linear simulator (attached image). Yes, the simulation predicts a degradation in insertion loss compared to the good unblemished coax. However, the loss is still insignificantly small at the sig-gen's max freq. Likewise, the degradation in return loss is also too insignificant to matter.
To all commenters: Thank you for the useful suggestions & words of advice.