Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

Microstrip two port network design tips

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Can anyone give me advice on designing two port network, here is the plan: https://ibb.co/jCHVev
Operating frequency: 2-3GHz

Thank you guys!

That's a directional coupler, which is either a three- or four-port device.

In your case it's configured as a three port, the "fourth port" goes directly to a dummy load.


--- Quote from: Howardlong on August 06, 2017, 12:04:51 pm ---That's a directional coupler, which is either a three- or four-port device.

In your case it's configured as a three port, the "fourth port" goes directly to a dummy load.

--- End quote ---

Can you give me some things to consider when designing it?

It is probably simpler to get good results with an RF directional bridge instead of a coupler for a beginner.
Assuming you don't need to handle high power.

Good info on both approaches can be found in this impressive VNA project:



--- Quote from: Cacao on August 06, 2017, 11:03:06 am ---Can anyone give me advice on designing two port network, here is the plan: https://ibb.co/jCHVev
Operating frequency: 2-3GHz

Thank you guys!

--- End quote ---

If you don't have a possibility to reach a EM simulator, I'd recommend you to use commercial products such as

There are also other different manufacturers.The component that you're looking for "Directional Coupler".
It's a 4 port device and forward and reflected power can easily be measured.


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