Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

RF detector help

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Just gonna ask question about detecting RF signal. Will this certain IC will be effective on detecting any signal?? and will connecting an open ended coaxial probe as an antenna in the RF input work??
Thanks in advance.
LTC5535 datasheet:

"Any" signal is a pretty broad concept. It will detect signals in the range and freq. given in the datasheet. It will probably detect something with just a bit of wire sticking out, but it all depends on what you want to see. I've had a similar log. detector chip on a small board with a little dipole on for relative measurements, and that did pick up some signals, but depending on what it is, you may want to put a LNA in front of it.

Also its an AM detector.  Don't expect any joy with a weaker FM or FSK signal.

It also may misbehave if you try to operate it a long way below its lower specified frequency limit of 600MHz, so unless your only interest is UHF upwards, its either the wrong chip for the job, or for a one-off project you'll need to test and calibrate it for lower frequencies.


--- Quote from: ChristofferB on July 12, 2017, 05:04:11 pm ---"Any" signal is a pretty broad concept. It will detect signals in the range and freq. given in the datasheet. It will probably detect something with just a bit of wire sticking out, but it all depends on what you want to see. I've had a similar log. detector chip on a small board with a little dipole on for relative measurements, and that did pick up some signals, but depending on what it is, you may want to put a LNA in front of it.

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I plan to detect microwave signals that has been transmitted thru an open ended coaxial cable. Will it work?


--- Quote from: Ian.M on July 12, 2017, 05:09:26 pm ---Also its an AM detector.  Don't expect any joy with a weaker FM or FSK signal.

It also may misbehave if you try to operate it a long way below its lower specified frequency limit of 600MHz, so unless your only interest is UHF upwards, its either the wrong chip for the job, or for a one-off project you'll need to test and calibrate it for lower frequencies.

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It is just a power detector. It does not matter what the modulation type is.


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