Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio
USB/Serial isolation for RF devices
So, recently connecting my SA to the computer (through a GPIB to Serial) adapter, and being interested in USB SDR devices (ADALM, which looks like it can use some external shielding), has anyone actually noticed ground loop problems in RF devices? Or interference from the computer (if a laptop is used)?
I was thinking about buying (or making.... home made would probably be made better) USB/Serial isolators. It would probably be better to run the isolator off an external linear power supply, as not to couple PC emissions through any HF isolators it might have (avoiding using USB power, only signal), but anyway... (would running the USB signal at a 'low' impedance help here ?)
I defiantly noticed errors in measurement in some high impedance low frequency equipment, but how about radio/microwave? I only noticed this error (DC offset) due to ground loops, running off an isolated laptop was fine (this was a resistivity sensor). I assume the time constant on the filter for the resistivity sensor I speak of is probably <1 second.
You can buy RS485 and RS232 to USB optical-isolated interfaces which are powered via the USB port. Links below should give you a idea of what is involved.
I suggest you power the isolator from a USB hub with a reasonable sized power supply as the computer motherboard can and often limits the power which can be supplied from a USB port.
I have seen those, but have you seen actual effects of the ground loop on RF equipment?
Reason being is that I need to plan my budget correctly (for now).
Also, building one with quality parts is probably less then 40$. That way you can shield the power supply too, integrating it into the chassis (otherwise you would need to protect the USB hub and the cable coming from it). Fair bit of work though.
If your thinking of developing your own design then that is probably the way to go as you can specify your own design to suite your needs as it would be impossible to know if any device would work on your particular SA and computer combination.
Check this isolator for your USB isolation needs: http://power.murata.com/data/power/ncl/kdc_nmusb202mc.pdf
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