Working on a three-band handy-talkie project, and everything's good until I get to the RF Power amplifier. Modulation, encoding, receiver, all is good there. But, the Transmit Power Amplifier is not. The VHF/UHF PA has to handle three bands: 144-148Mhz, 220-225Mhz, and 420-450Mhz. I don't have to do it all in a single device-I am OK with using as many as three amps, but obviously it'd be better if I could do it with less. If I was doing it in tubes...just bandswitch the tanks and be done. But, there's better ways with the new LDMOS devices!
I'm using a BFU520WA as the driver, and AFT05MS004NT1 as the PA. Target output is 4W, and input is 6mW from the FM modulator. Before I order silicon, I'd like to get at least close with the passives so I can place one order with Digikey and at least get something going. I haven't had any luck with simulations for RF stuff...LTspice apparently doesn't do a good job.
Here's what I've got so far:

And a description of what I think I have:
Gain should be around 15-16dB, and with 8dBm input I should have 24dBm output to drive the PA.
VBAT is 7.4V, from a Li-Ion battery pack. It will range from 8.4V on a fully charged pack, to 6.8V where the batteries are officially "dead".
C20/C22/C21 are filtering and decoupling for the stage. R8 is part of the filtering/decoupling.
L1 should be >100 ohms impedance across the band, 10nH is only 10 ohms at 144, 13 ohms at 220, and 27 ohms at it's not big enough. Because L1's reactance change over frequency will mess with the next stage's input impedance, R9 has been inserted to help with broadband matching into the next stage.
C17 is a DC block.
C18 and L4 are intended to be part of the impedance match into the next stage.
R10 and R5 set the bias for the BFU520WF at about 7.5mA Iq, C19 and L2 are there to add a bit of bias stability.
C16 is a DC block.
If I am understanding how to calculate input impedance, the Zin of this stage should be about 219 ohms. Zout would vary from 10 to 20 ohms, if terminated into a 50R load.
What am I missing here? So far, I think I need to increase L1 and R9 a bit to improve matching, but I'm worried a bit about stability given this transistor's F(t) is 10Ghz...My test gear goes to 400Mhz here at the house and I'll have to go into the lab at my cousin's to do spectral analysis higher than 1gHz.
What do I need to do to promote stability and gain flatness over the extremely wide bandwidth I need to work with?