I recently created 2 LC cheb constant K filters, on for 3rd order 115-155 Mhz and one for 5th order 496-560 Mhz. When made the actual physical PCBs I got different results, the first one centered at 125 Mhz instead of 135 Mhz and the second centered at 470 Mhz instead of 530 Mhz, theiur bandwidths are about correct though. Has anyone else come across this problem? I made sure to use silicon RF components with high self resonant frequency and high q around 500.. I dont know what else I could do to negate parasitic impedance, I made the traces as efficient as possible, only thing left would be to change the trace thickness(im using 8 mils) and the trace substance(im using standard copper).
I'm about to resort to attempting calculating micro-strip dimensions by hand and manually drawing them in orcad since my company doesnt have ADS or anything like that..
Could it be something wrong with my parts??
Here are the parts:
530 Mhz 5th order cheb:
135 MHz 3rd order cheb:
I realize my sober is sloppy, escecially on the 5th order cheb butthose are old picture, I dont have the pictures but I made other cirucits were my solder was perfect and I managed to move the cneter frequncy from 470-475Mhz but thats not even close to 530 Mhz which I need it to be