I think I've been hacked. Clicked a link yesterday, and instead of a video, the login screen appeared. I've jumped and cut the mains power, but it didn't boot after that. I've tried to restore from a day before, but that didn't work either, so I've formatted and start reinstalling all anew. Though, I am thinking maybe I shouldn't use the same PC for browsing and for working (hobby stuff, at home). In case you wonder what I've clicked, it was a link from wikileaks, curious what could be that compromising that it's posted as Assange's dead man switch. Now I'm both scared and annoyed for reinstalling and configuring everything again. The old OS was Ubuntu Focal Fossa. Posting from a USB stick now.

I'm thinking from now on to use some sort of one-time use only browser, running in RAM only if possible, IDK. Something that in case a ransomware is compromising the browser, at least it won't encrypt or delete my files. I do not have enough storage to duplicate all on a backup location.
I could use a RaspberryPi for browsing only, but I prefer something to run on the main desktop, so to benefit from its faster hardware.
Not sure if a software solution could separate well enough, I'm thinking adding a mechanical switch for the WAN cable, maybe some relays to control the power connectors of the disk, too, so to power up the storage disk only when needed.