I know, darn long shot - but I'm gathering together my electronics kit and found my 'old' USB oscilloscope. Now I've got a driver to recognize, the lights come on so something initialised - but all the latest EasyScope programs I can get my hands on seem 'bound' to whatever device they came with. Which is annoying as they seem to see the DS2200E enough to tell me I have DS2200E but absolutely refuse to do anything with it.. argh!
Basically if anybody has a version of EasyScope that will play nice and run on Windows 7 and talk to the DS2200E - that would be much appreciated. Or if there is something in Linux world that would do the same that would be equally good.
Also trying to work out what I should let my better half buy for me in terms of electrical kit for my birthday - so if I can get this working I can focus on something else instead..
Much thanks