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Multimeter spreadsheet (80 manufacturers and over 400 meters listed)

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Here is a list of the most interesting multimeters for electronic work and their main features for a quick comparison. It is not an exhaustive list and will get updated as time goes by.
If you spot some glaring mistakes, let me know and I will correct them.
Don't fret too much about quoted prices, as they vary wildly from one region to another.
If you feel I have left out some worthwhile DMMs, squawk here and I will try to include them.
All meters listed have a count of 6,000 or higher, have auto-ranging and are true RMS.
All meters (except MetraHit M30) must be able to test diodes, resistance, capacitance, frequency and current.
You will find green highlights for above average features and amber highlights for poor or missing important features.
Every cell with a red triangle has a note attached to it.

Some app notes to help you choose a multimeter:
1. ABCs of DMMs - Multimeter features and functions explained
2. ABC of multimeter safety
3. Dual impedance digital multimeters
4. Why true RMS?
5. How robust is your handheld multimeter?
6. Multimeter measurements on variable frequency drives
7. Ten dumb things smart people do when testing electricity
8. Testing your test leads
9. How to use Fast/Peak Min/Max on your DMM
10. Understanding specifications for precision multimeters
11. Who sets the rules for electrical testing and safety?
12. Why ruggedness matters in a digital multimeter
13. Burden voltage

14. National Instruments: Multimeter resolution
15. Fuse marking codes

Here are the links for the most recent files (6March21):
Handheld meters
Bench meters
Meter EMC testing
Meter safety testing

Here is a sample of the database:

I've just discovered Metraport 32S
Which I found as very useful universal Multimeter

The 40s is the current model.
I think it would fit in the excel list as a further Metrawatt Item.

Thanks for this Wytnucls. It should help people who have no idea what is available.


--- Quote from: Wh1sper on February 24, 2014, 01:19:24 pm ---I've just discovered Metraport 32S
Which I found as very useful universal Multimeter

The 40s is the current model.
I think it would fit in the excel list as a further Metrawatt Item.

--- End quote ---

The 32s is very unusual. Input protection is rather strange. A 380VAC fuse on the mA range and a resettable circuit breaker 240VAC/50VDC, combined with a 500VAC fusible link. The AC bandwidth is not great at 1kHz only.
The form factor may suit some people though.

Uh, the BM869 is only 251$ for the meter and ~60$ for the IR connection cable. ( (USD cost)
and not everyone really needs the IR cable or computer logging.

you should probably add a little tab for cat 2/3/4 ratings, and possibly scratch off the ratings for meters whose internal construction does not satisfy those ratings.

I really love your idea though.


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