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Nano VNA like sand on the sea- Who is the "good one" ?

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Hi folks,
Quick question:
I just want to play around with a VNA and a cheap Nano VNA seems to be the perfect solution.
However, if you search for it, there are countless variants.
Which one is the "good" one, which one should I get?
Thanks in advance.

There are different screen sizes and bandwidths etc.
I don't know if there is the one "good one".

I have one of the cheapest (as always) from the "SeeSii Factory Store Store" which seems trustworthy/recommended: a NanoVNA-H.

It has an SD card slot, the inputs are shielded, you can update the firmware from the usual sources and I got a pretty big battery (1300mAh), but don't know if that's standard.

It's good enough for me.
More expensive ones are probably better if you have a use for them.

For the Nano, the H4 is recommended by a lot of people. I just bought a LiteVNA, which is a bit faster than the Nanos.
What is even more important is to buy it from reputable sources. Because there are a lot of interior clones out there. They might be missing the shielding. Or the PCB is not impedance controlled. Or the cal kit which comes with it is trash.


--- Quote from: tszaboo on July 09, 2024, 10:31:16 pm ---What is even more important is to buy it from reputable sources. Because there are a lot of interior clones out there.

--- End quote ---

This is the most important factor.  Buy a genuine one.


--- Quote from: Martin72 on July 09, 2024, 09:17:07 pm ---Hi folks,
Quick question:
I just want to play around with a VNA and a cheap Nano VNA seems to be the perfect solution.
However, if you search for it, there are countless variants.
Which one is the "good" one, which one should I get?
Thanks in advance.

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As you said, they are cheap, and if you just want to play, I don't think it really matters too much.  Later as you refine your requirements, you can always buy something that better fits.   

I continue to use the LiteVNA64 for some experiments.   We purchased ours from:


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