From the Amazon listing: High quality toroidal pure copper transformer? That's not even high-quality pure marketeering wank! It's not even a linear supply, it's a SMPS!
I guess it has several E-I transformers in there with copper windings. I don't see a toroidal tranny.
Also, notice that the back panel and side of the front panel have been photoshopped on. The back panel has a 2D look to it. I love the USB B jack on a PCB in the DB9 cutout. Make up new stampings? Hell no! Use the ones we can get cheaply!
I think that it is the cheapest functional programmable power supply in the 30 V / 5 A class that can be bought new in the USA. The RD6006 is close in price if you get it direct, but a little more expensive once you throw in a power supply and case.
I wonder how hard it would be to get this thing talking to sigrok? does this compare to the Korad KA3005P on specs?