Dear all,
I bought a DP832 for our physical computing lab some time ago and barely used it.
Today I had it powering an LED with 30 V / 0,025 A and after about two minutes the channel simply stopped putting out voltage. Now both 30 V channels are dead, putting out 0 V, 5 V channel still working.
Firmware 1.14 is installed.
Is this an issue someone else ran into? Did the PSU just die out of boredome?
Edit: After keeping the PSU idle for some ten minutes, channel two no seems to be back from the dead. It was not putting out anything before, even after rebooting etc.
Channel 1 is still dead though.
I am a little dumbstruck by what is going on here :/
Thank you and kind regards,
Edit #2:
Channel 1 shows "UR" as with Daves unit when it was fried. Think I'll have to send it back to the seller under warranty. Remarkable device. NOT