Products > Test Equipment

Siglent LPA10 Active Probe Adapter

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Now that I finally have a siglent scope with active probe interface(SDS3000X HD), I am interested in the adapter for active probes from lecroy, the LPA10:

Almost 300€.....Puhhh.... :P
Nevertheless, the prospect of being able to use Lecroy probes/current clamps with it is very tempting.
If you look at the data sheet, only 4 types are listed as compatible - that is very meager.
Compatibility stands and falls with the implementation in the software - hardware is simply...
Symmetrical supply plus data bus, done.
Question to the group, is that really so few supported probes?
Question to the absolute Siglent experts:
Are further updates regarding list of supported probes in the pipeline?
Only 4 models are definitely too few for the price.

Another link (datasheet included):

I suspect the listed probes supported is outta date just as the list of DSO's it can be used with.  :horse:
As you can see only later scope FW versions support these so it's anyone's guess if the SDS3000X HD you have supports these either.....yet.

Best you nag EU HQ for some answers however China HQ is on May holidays until next week so it might take a few days to get the latest info.

But at least LPA10 is a good bit cheaper than TPA10 that supports Tek active probes.

Hi Rob,
I think I´ll ask Siglent EU HQ for loaning me one.
Because all known dealers do not have it in stock and only order it when needed, which makes sense.
If I really get an adapter, I will take our lecroy current clamps and test it with them and report back here.

I would indeed verify compatibility rather than assume. For the TPA10 TekProbe adapter Siglent seems to have messed up the offset feature to the point where it's only usable with a few Tektronix probes that have their own offset control, and partly usable (no control over the vertical position) with Tektronix probes that ignore the offset signal. I have not seen an update that this was fixed.

Lecroy's probe interface is purely digital except for the scaling resistor in passive probes, as far as I understand. But there are a number of features, like controlling nulling, offset and attenuation from the scope, that came later in the life of their probe interface. Earlier probes like AP033 would have buttons on the probe / compensation box, which have been mostly moved to being controlled from the scope in later probes. So I'll be curious of the Siglent adapter supports those features. It might be that such functionality only works for supported probes since I believe Lecroy generally releases software updates to support newer probes.

The other thing is that DC current probes may draw a fair amount of current, since the way they work by sending a reverse current (multiplied by the transformer ratio) through the Hall effect sensor to null the magnetic field. Tektronix had problems with this on some of their scopes. I wonder if that's a reason for the short compatibility list. A test would be to connect a current probe measuring its max DC or LF current, and then see if this introduces ripple on the power rail that affects other probes powered by other channels (of course this also depends on their NMRR).


--- Quote from: alm on May 04, 2024, 09:56:12 am ---I would indeed verify compatibility rather than assume. For the TPA10 TekProbe adapter Siglent seems to have messed up the offset feature to the point where it's only usable with a few Tektronix probes that have their own offset control, and partly usable (no control over the vertical position) with Tektronix probes that ignore the offset signal. I have not seen an update that this was fixed.

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To quote an edit to the last post:

--- Quote ---EDIT for those who are late to the party: The TPA10 was confirmed defective. The voltage rails (+-15V, +-5V) are fine, but the offset on Pin 5 is stuck at Vmax = +-2.5V depending on the position of the offset knob).
--- End quote ---


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