Podcast & Torrent File Problems

Just an update to let you know I am aware of the issues with the podcast file access and bitlove torrent feed.
Bitlove have investigated and responded.
Turns out that my web host Hostmonster have been blocking Bitlove for some time, that’s why they have been unable to get recent updates.
And just in the last few days Hostmonster have also disabled ALL of my domains hosted on my account there because one site had been hacked. That includes eevblog.org which hosts the podcast files, alternatezone.com, calcwatch and a host of other sites. So all the podcast video files are currently not accessible.
And to boot, Google has told me it is blocking certain forum threads because they link to images on calcwatch.com which has now been flagged as a malicious web site.
No, I can’t just move these files to my dedicated server, as that could very well kill the forum and main site performance if I’m streaming video from it to to thousands of people.
It’s all a great big mess and will take quite some time to sort out. It may require moving all these sites to another host.

Forum discussion is HERE

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