EEVblog #1032 Part 3 – John Kenny Keysight Interview

Interview with John Kenny from Keysight
Part 3 of several more to come, released daily, stay tuned!
Patrons and forum supporters will get all the videos early.

This one covers Design teams, web UI interfaces, firmware issues, regression testing, automated testing, 3458A, losing talent, 8.5 digit bench meter?, testing throughput, LTZ1000 reference history, transfer standards, design effort, understanding competitors, learning from competitors, the importance of forums, bloggers and reviews, tearing down competitor products, Trueform DDS technology, FPGA Pipelining, product timing synchronisation, IEEE1588, picosecond LAN timing sync, non-engineers, arduino’s and raspberry Pi’s, automotive industry, driverless cars.

John Kenny is presently the Technology and Efficiency Manager for the Electronic Instruments and Systems Group. After graduating from Lehigh University in 1978, he started in Hewlett Packard, working in our Modular Power System team, designing modular supplies, and later moved to our Lab and Industrial Power group, where he was involved in Analog, Digital and Firmware design for the next 20 years, involved in the rollout of our many programmable power products. In 2005, he moved into a new role as the Technology Manager for the System Products Group, which covered all of the GP products, including Power Products, DMMs, Function Generators, Counters and Data Acquisition products. He was directly involved in the development of the breadth of the GP products that you see in the Keysigt catalog today, with more on their way. Recently, as part of the reorganization in 2015 as part of the new Keysight, he became responsible for Technology and Efficiency management for most of our non-RF based products, as part of the EISG Center of Excellence, which includes products developed in Japan, Penang, Singapore, Loveland and Budd Lake.

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