Hi all:
We are downsizing and so I find it necessary to get rid of my old test equipment. Rather than take it to the dump straightaway, I thought I'd make an offer to my fellow EEVbloggers.
First off, everything is FREE. All you need do is pay shipping. I will only charge what I have to pay to ship it. This is not a money-making deal for me.
Second, I am willing to part things out (that is, remove particular components or subassemblies) if you only need particular pieces. So, if you only want the CRT from that Tek 535a scope, I'll gladly remove it and send it to you. I will give preference to anyone who wants to take the entire unit, but most of this stuff is big iron so I don't expect to get any takers on that.
I'm doing this not only to lighten my load, but because I think that there are collectors and restorers out there who might need a replacement transformer or range switch for a piece of broken test gear, but they don't want to buy and ship a massive piece of metal to get it.
Third, I'll do this on a time-available basis. So it may take a little while for me to get the pieces extracted and sent to you.
Fourth, it is first-come, first-served. As mentioned before I will give preference to anyone who wants the entire unit, but I'll be fair. I'll wait for a couple weeks to collect requests for each piece and then figure out what to do.
As I come up with things I will post descriptions and pictures in this topic.
Contoocook, NH USA (Boston area)