Author Topic: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.  (Read 9793 times)

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Offline tkamiya

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2020, 12:12:25 am »
Computer services were helping us first.  Then became center of our attention.  Then some took it to obsessive level.  Then they became their life itself.  Some people are afraid of AI taking over us.  It's already happening and without AI.

How scary is that?

You tube and forums and everything else on Internet has its place.  But developing unhealthy obsession is, well, unhealthy.  Same thing can be said about any social media.  Some people has been attacked in social media.  Why can't they just leave that site?  I understand for celebrities, it's not that simple, but for most of us?  It isn't essential.

Offline Rick Law

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2020, 02:55:33 am »
Rick Law, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but since the beginning of time companies selling products add the cost of advertising to the price of the product. Youtube is no different. They're an advertising agency.

The issue was raised that creators get little or no money for all their work, but users don't pay them for it. Instead they act entitled to get what they want. Whether we pay for advertising when we buy products seems a bit irrelevant doesn't it? We also pay for shipping, and manufacturing, and employee benefits, and so on when we buy products.

The point I was making is in the very first line of my reply:

"No, YouTube is NOT free TO US.  The cost is hidden from us, that doesn't mean it is free."
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 03:10:42 am by Rick Law »

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #52 on: May 27, 2020, 04:56:04 am »
Frankly, if the entire Youtube goes to Hell, i would not give shit. It is not that essential as some people here tell me.
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Offline HobGoblyn

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2020, 08:27:51 am »
Youtube is free. Complaining about it is bordering on insane. Youtube creators spend a ton of time producing stuff, and the vast majority of tech youtubers get little or nothing in return. Except for complaints and 357 variations of "oh, you should have done it THIS way". And people expecting you to be their private tutor for free. And give them all the code you write.

Absolutely insane. A lot of selfish, entitled people out there.

Instead, you should be thanking every single freakin' one of them for what they do, and hitting the like button so often it breaks your freakin' mouse. And subscribe to EVERYONE. Because that's the only way they get a few measly pennies in return for their many hours of work.

And if you really think their stuff sucks and you can do it better, then do it. Show the world how freakin' brilliant you are and how much better you are. Start your own channel, and learn what it's really like.

I'm half with you on this.

I recently got a 3D printer, watching a recommended YouTube vid on how to assemble it, helped a lot, and I really can't understand how people down vote such helpful vids  (then again I've read 1 star amazon reviews where their comments are things like "bought wrong product/size).  There are a lot of very useful YouTube vids out there

But there are some youtube vids where the title bares little resemblance to the content, or you've got loud thumping music and/or some guy acting like he's a world famous comedian etc when in fact he's not funny, he's nauseating .  Only yesterday I was searching for info about something in particular, found what looked like the perfect vid, he waffled on for about 20 mins telling me what could have been written in about 10 lines of text, and his solution wasn't what his title suggested.  His video rightly imo had down votes and a ton of comments complaining (although I never downvote anything), Had I not been watching on my TV, I could have saved 20 mins of my time by reading the comments and knowing he was talking rubbish.

While I understand when you say there's people that want you to be their personal tutor or give the code you have written, there's also many YouTubers out there whose videos are copies of other YouTubers (and in some cases the people copying others have many more followers).  But there are  youtubers  who make their vids simply to help others, youtubers that have a passion for whatever, youtubers not trying to make big names for themselves or not trying to make money from the platform. Often these people are more than happy to help others in the comment sections (but I do know what you mean about people putting zero effort into things and demanding you do it for them)

I can't draw to save my life, if I did a drawing, most 3 year olds can do better,  recently we were watching portrait artist of the year (UK) and both I and my wife sometimes wondered what the judges were thinking, or how particular artists made it that far. All of them can paint 100000000 times better than we ever could, that doesn't mean I cant look at another adults painting and think it's absolutely crap  (12 artists drawing people, one of them looking nothing liker the person). Same as a pottery program along similar lines. When one of the contestants result looks nothing like what they were asked to make, just because they are good at their craft while I wouldn't have a clue where to even begin,  doesn't' mean I cant see they are obviously going to be the ones getting chucked out that round  as what they produced was crap.

In other words, just because I can't do something  better (or even at all)  doesn't mean I  can't have a valid opinion of what I think something looks like/works like etc etc etc.

I don't make YouTube vids, last thing I would ever want is my face on TV or YouTube, doesn't interest me in the slightest.    I see a ton of very very useful and helpful youtube vids, I also see a ton of vids where the watcher would need to be on acid to even get through it. If someone wants to enter the world of youtube, doesn't matter how hard it is, doesn't matter how much time they take, if they make a 20 min vid that's almost impossible to watch due to the thumping 'not my taste' music in the background, or they don't know what they are talking about, or they take 30 mins to say what can be said in 2 mins, then a viewer has every right to tell them what they think regardless of whether the viewer could do any better themselves.  Often comments save me the bother of watching certain ones as the comments show clearly the vid isn't going to answer the question it claims to answer.

My (adult) son was having problems with his PC overheating and I suggested he apply new thermal paste as a starting point.  I sent him a link to a YouTube vid that showed how to remove his exact fan etc, really really well.   But I also said in big letters "do not apply the paste as he has done as he's done it completely wrong"  (he spread it on about 4mm thick like most of us would put jam/jelly on bread), and of course the comments were a mixed bunch, many saying it's the best instructions they've seen for removing their fans, while others saying you should never put thermal paste on like he has done etc.

If somethings is totally useless, whether it's being given away totally free or whether it costs £10,000, people have the right to let others know they are wasting their time using/viewing it.   
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 08:30:04 am by HobGoblyn »

Offline engrguy42

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #54 on: May 27, 2020, 10:07:51 am »
Frankly, if the entire Youtube goes to Hell, i would not give shit. It is not that essential as some people here tell me.

I wouldn't be surprised if much of the small time tech youtube world goes to hell in the not-so-distant-future. It's clear that the vast majority of humanity just wants free entertainment. Only a microscopically tiny minority is actually interested in tech and learning. And even then they want it packaged in an entertaining way. Cuz learning gives people a headache  :D They want to become experts in a quick 4 minute video.

And I think as people get more and more sensitive to being offended by even the slightest negativity, the already tight restrictions on youtube creators will get worse. And at some point (and I think we're almost there) anyone who's not getting some very serious income from youtube is going to shut down. Which will mean that youtube will become only for music videos (which is already the #1 draw to youtube across the board) and women's makeup and cats playing piano. The folks who do tech for a hobby will figure it's no longer worth it. Everyone wants flashy, perfectly edited videos by a team of professionals, and anyone who can't give that will fade away. It happens all the time to small tech youtubers.

BTW, for those who haven't seen the requirements that creators have, you might take a look. Prior to posting a video you need to answer a bunch of questions where you verify that a whole list of possibly offensive things are not in your video. And since what people find "offensive" is different for each of the billions of people on this planet, it's somewhat ridiculous. And now you're even liable for huge fines if your guess on what constitutes offensive is wrong. But it will only get worse.

Personally, I'm a visual learner. And I love videos as a learning tool. And I always learn something in just about every video I watch. Or I get an idea to investigate something I hadn't thought of before. I love it. But I'm finding it's tougher and tougher to find videos where the creator hasn't buckled to the majority who just want 4 minutes of entertainment.

As a matter of fact, I fully expect to see a video at some point where the creator is talking some tech stuff, and in the background he places his cat playing piano.  :D     
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 10:21:34 am by engrguy42 »
- The best engineers know enough to realize they don't know nuthin'...
- Those who agree with you can do no wrong. Those who disagree can do no right.
- I'm always amazed at how many people "already knew that" after you explain it to them in detail...

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2020, 10:12:18 am »
Frankly, if the entire Youtube goes to Hell, i would not give shit. It is not that essential as some people here tell me.


Offline engrguy42

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2020, 11:00:29 am »
The whole issue of people having a "right" to comment on stuff like youtube videos I find kinda funny.

Imagine you're walking down the street and someone comes up to you and says "Couldn't you find something nicer to wear? That looks like crap". Or you spend weeks/months building a cool RC airplane from scratch and bring it to a club to fly it with a bunch of other RC'ers, and someone tells you "Are you freakin' kidding?? That's not realistic at all. That's just crap".

Nobody asked for your input. And I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about your opinion, or my opinion, or anyone else's opinion. If someone wants to design their videos so that they appeal to certain viewers, and they ASK for your opinion, then fine.

Just like in tech forums. Opinions are everywhere, but are often irrelevant.

So yeah, next time you write a negative comment or do the ridiculous downvoting, imagine it's no different from coming up to the same guy on the street and, in front of his family, telling him he's an a-hole. But in this case you're doing it in front of the world of other viewers as well as his family and friends.

Good on ya'.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 11:02:44 am by engrguy42 »
- The best engineers know enough to realize they don't know nuthin'...
- Those who agree with you can do no wrong. Those who disagree can do no right.
- I'm always amazed at how many people "already knew that" after you explain it to them in detail...

Offline SerieZ

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #57 on: May 27, 2020, 11:53:35 am »
The whole issue of people having a "right" to comment on stuff like youtube videos I find kinda funny.

Imagine you're walking down the street and someone comes up to you and says "Couldn't you find something nicer to wear? That looks like crap". Or you spend weeks/months building a cool RC airplane from scratch and bring it to a club to fly it with a bunch of other RC'ers, and someone tells you "Are you freakin' kidding?? That's not realistic at all. That's just crap".

Nobody asked for your input. And I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about your opinion, or my opinion, or anyone else's opinion. If someone wants to design their videos so that they appeal to certain viewers, and they ASK for your opinion, then fine.

Just like in tech forums. Opinions are everywhere, but are often irrelevant.

So yeah, next time you write a negative comment or do the ridiculous downvoting, imagine it's no different from coming up to the same guy on the street and, in front of his family, telling him he's an a-hole. But in this case you're doing it in front of the world of other viewers as well as his family and friends.

Good on ya'.

I do not agree with that Argument.
You have a right in real life to do that and actually such things happen quite often. As example imagine it were not allowed to or people would not tell someone is a jackass when he parks his Car occupying 2 slots.
Most people just do not like to bother strangers or say negative things to people they know. Conflict drains energy... The difference is that doing that behind a screen removes seeing one another face to face and people feel Anonymous -> removing the shame in doing so completely.

What I absolutely do not get is why people just are not able to Ignore toxic/bad comments and recognize valid criticism/material of discussion(that is hard) and MOVE ON. Man, don't feed the troll it is that easy... and why is there always this desire to destroy the other Party or have collective punishment. Jeez.
As easy as paint by number.
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Offline HobGoblyn

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #58 on: May 27, 2020, 12:49:50 pm »
The whole issue of people having a "right" to comment on stuff like youtube videos I find kinda funny.

Imagine you're walking down the street and someone comes up to you and says "Couldn't you find something nicer to wear? That looks like crap". Or you spend weeks/months building a cool RC airplane from scratch and bring it to a club to fly it with a bunch of other RC'ers, and someone tells you "Are you freakin' kidding?? That's not realistic at all. That's just crap".

Nobody asked for your input. And I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about your opinion, or my opinion, or anyone else's opinion. If someone wants to design their videos so that they appeal to certain viewers, and they ASK for your opinion, then fine.

Just like in tech forums. Opinions are everywhere, but are often irrelevant.

So yeah, next time you write a negative comment or do the ridiculous downvoting, imagine it's no different from coming up to the same guy on the street and, in front of his family, telling him he's an a-hole. But in this case you're doing it in front of the world of other viewers as well as his family and friends.

Good on ya'.

Except it's completely different and incomparable.

If I'm walking down the street minding my own business and someone tells me that what I'm wearing looks crap,  that is one thing.

If I end up on TV or youtube, that's a completely different situation.  You cant have both fame and anonymity. No matter how small the fame.

I've posted probably 5 or 6 under 2 min YouTube clips in my time showing problems I'm having with something, a problem with my keybed on a synth springs to mind.  Each time instantly showing the problem, no talking, no vid of me.   And I posted links to the vid in the relevant forums.

I couldn't give a dam if someone wants to down vote it, I couldn't give a toss if someone want's to write stupid comments.  I didn't post them, to try and make myself feel good.

But when someone does a youtube vid, starts off by showing themselves thinking they are cool (when they usually aren't), asks us to like their vid etc etc etc (and most tell you to post any comments down bellow etc), then you can't complain when people post comments.   

If I want to find out how something works, and there's 30+ YouTube vids, glancing at the comments and seeing 10+ people complain about the annoyingly loud music, or seeing 10+ people saying that the author could have said everything in 2 mins instead of 20, they are very very valuable comments in my opinion. It doesn't matter whether the poster asked for such comments, by reading such comments, I know not to waste my time watching that vid.   Therefore I do care about those comments, and many other people care too. It's by reading such comments, we know not to waste our time.

I do understand there are a group of people that seem to lack brain cells, people that down vote for ridiculous things, people that make the stupidest of comments.  But likewise comments often open debate, comments can lead to interesting discussion.  Comments can (and I've seen this often in this type of forum) lead to the original author changing or adding something to their original post, saying xyz pointed out in the comments that it does do abc, all you have to do is......

What you seem to be implying is you want to be able to post a youtube vid, you are happy to have positive comments or upvotes, but anything else is uncalled for and out of order. Life on youtube simply doesn't work that way.

I hate facebook. I am on it, have about 20 friends from where I grew up, just to keep tabs on my old mates, not interested in the rest. But a few month ago I joined a few local buy/sell groups.  When the lockdown in the UK started, people were posting on those groups that if any elderly person wants shopping done etc, just leave a whatever in their window, or feel free to contact xyz.  I politely pointed out that while I commend such helpful people, they are infact putting the elderly at risk, there will be people who offer to do their shopping who will simply steal their money etc. 

I got called all the names under the sun (including c word)  and got told I'm the sort of scum that emptied the shelves of toilet paper etc etc etc etc.  Nothing rude in what I originally said, I was just trying to prevent the elderly being scammed  (wife has a lot of elderly clients and people are always trying to scam them) . What I said has been proven to be totally true as that's exactly what happened (and to me, it was obviously going to happen) .

Did their stupid vile comments annoy me, yes they did.  Did part of me feel like trying to justify myself to them, trying to show I wasn't like they thought I was, yes part of me did (it's human nature, some people can ignore criticism, others,  even if they don't want it to, find criticism grating away at them to differing levels).  Did I bother to do that though,   no I didn't, I simply left all the local buy and sell groups and am back to just my friends and a few lathe, electronics,  and 3d printer groups.     

People are always going to spout crap when they are anonymously sitting behind their keyboards, they aren't worth arguing with. Even though I know it's stupid to let them annoy me, they still did, hence I left those groups.  But I do think that's different to warning fellow viewers that the post has a ton of loud background music or takes ages to get a simple point across.

Sure people can post their vids in what ever style they want. But unless they let us know in advance their vids are say aimed at people into both electronics and loud death metal music, then they shouldnt be surprised when numerous people point this out in the comments.

And as I said on my previous comment, the vid I sent my son had the completely wrong way of applying thermal paste on. There's thousands of vids that show different ways of applying thermal paste, a pea sized blob, an X, even (although I dislike this method) spreading a tiny amount over the CPU with an old credit card.  But none of them say plaster the cpu with about 4 mm of paste.  The author didn't ask for comments, but I'm glad others took the time to tell people he had put on far far far too much thermal paste, as it saved me the bother of commenting. However, it was one of the best videos I've seen showing how to get off the stock intel fan and put it back on again.  Nobody ask for the comments from these guys, but I do care and I'm glad they pointed out he was applying the paste completely wrong.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 12:54:22 pm by HobGoblyn »

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #59 on: May 27, 2020, 12:51:17 pm »
???  Some, (a lot!), of the posts here, are the epitome of exactly what the O.P. asked about!!
YES, people can 'Google' a lot of things, but it's like someone treating 'Google' as a Doctor for medical probs!
A 'FORUM' is supposed to be more one-on-one, and getting more into individual specifics though.
YES, there are people in any Forum who ask seemingly silly questions, and DEMAND answers.
However, there is always an equal amount of 'technical' people who have elevated themselves to
their 'Ivory-Towers', and almost seem to gain enjoyment out of ridiculing & belittling some people?  :P
A few pages back, take 'eti' for example! NOTHING positive said... delusions of Grandeur... relishing
the put down of others thoughts, beliefs, the 'system', and anything else he can ever think of!!!   >:D
It's no wonder 'some' people a bit more 'reserved', slink back into their shell !! and ask no more!
It's usually OBVIOUS when someone is new, or a beginner... and it quickly becomes obvious too who
are the typical members who understand that, treat them with respect, and guide them.  :-+
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Diagonal of 1x1x1 cube = Root-3 !!!  Beautiful !!
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Offline HobGoblyn

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #60 on: May 27, 2020, 01:12:46 pm »
???  Some, (a lot!), of the posts here, are the epitome of exactly what the O.P. asked about!!
YES, people can 'Google' a lot of things, but it's like someone treating 'Google' as a Doctor for medical probs!
A 'FORUM' is supposed to be more one-on-one, and getting more into individual specifics though.
YES, there are people in any Forum who ask seemingly silly questions, and DEMAND answers.
However, there is always an equal amount of 'technical' people who have elevated themselves to
their 'Ivory-Towers', and almost seem to gain enjoyment out of ridiculing & belittling some people?  :P
A few pages back, take 'eti' for example! NOTHING positive said... delusions of Grandeur... relishing
the put down of others thoughts, beliefs, the 'system', and anything else he can ever think of!!!   >:D
It's no wonder 'some' people a bit more 'reserved', slink back into their shell !! and ask no more!
It's usually OBVIOUS when someone is new, or a beginner... and it quickly becomes obvious too who
are the typical members who understand that, treat them with respect, and guide them.  :-+

I think there has to be some sort of balance.

I was a systems manager in a UNIX environment in the mid 90s, and ended up with a lot of both experience and  'instinct' on where to go to find an answer to a problem.

Roll on 10 years and I was heavily into Linux and active in a few Linux forums. 

Often people would ask what to me was a very very simple thing,  BUT  it's only simple for me due to my years of experience. Others would tell them things like "there are 'man' pages you know"   or "use the search button" .

The thing with those sorts of thing is that it's fine to use the 'man' pages if you know what command you want to use (and understand the 'man' pages description), it's fine to search if you know the exact term you are searching for, but most newcomers don't know that.

Having post after post pointing out the search button (or linking to google) is simply unwelcoming and drives people away.

I've asked some stupidly simple questions in my short time with this forum, I don't regret any of them.

Then there's the other sort, which do annoy me.  One of the facebook groups I currently belong to (though likely not for long) is "Electrical and Electronics technology Learning Group"

Some of the posts there simply amaze me. here are a few examples of recent questions

Or posts in say an Arduino group asking if someone can write the entire code to make a robot etc etc etc

Posts where the person has zero intention of learning, or a 1 sec google of PCB will give you the answer, far far quicker than making a huge graphic.

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #61 on: May 27, 2020, 01:15:16 pm »
Frankly, if the entire Youtube goes to Hell, i would not give shit. It is not that essential as some people here tell me.

So what? I am old enough to remember life without Youtube. There was nothing wrong with it.
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Offline SparkyFX

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #62 on: May 27, 2020, 01:23:08 pm »
"cranky scrooges" vs low post count demanders. There is an endless supply of eager/optimistic young people who will answer questions feeling like they are contributing. This group strongly overlaps with those with little to no real experience or ability (Dunning–Kruger etc). If left to run you end up with a forum full of questions and rubbish answers, which encourages more of the same behaviour.
Those are predicates that can be attributed by anyone to everyone. All it needs is the feeling of superiority. So ... we close the forum because "you should read that up by yourself" is the proper answer to all questions? Of course not, because referring literature, leading to the proper search terms, sources and such is also an important part of conversation. To understand that all you need to remember is that it took you time, effort of teachers/instructors, the need to solve problems to learn things too. Btw.: self-proclaimed experts that bemoan lack of quality in the question usually do not drive such efforts, their effort consists of ridicule, which effectively makes them the toxic trolls, not the newbies.

A translated german proverb is "no master ever fell from the skies" (came from nowhere into existence), which for some reason seems to be the expectation here.

I mean such movements are nothing new, i only wait until someone proposes the super-secret insider club/owner of x-y-z club as the solution to all these problems.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 01:31:11 pm by SparkyFX »
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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #63 on: May 27, 2020, 02:22:49 pm »
"cranky scrooges" vs low post count demanders. There is an endless supply of eager/optimistic young people who will answer questions feeling like they are contributing. This group strongly overlaps with those with little to no real experience or ability (Dunning–Kruger etc). If left to run you end up with a forum full of questions and rubbish answers, which encourages more of the same behaviour.
Those are predicates that can be attributed by anyone to everyone. All it needs is the feeling of superiority. So ... we close the forum because "you should read that up by yourself" is the proper answer to all questions? Of course not, because referring literature, leading to the proper search terms, sources and such is also an important part of conversation. To understand that all you need to remember is that it took you time, effort of teachers/instructors, the need to solve problems to learn things too. Btw.: self-proclaimed experts that bemoan lack of quality in the question usually do not drive such efforts, their effort consists of ridicule, which effectively makes them the toxic trolls, not the newbies.

A translated german proverb is "no master ever fell from the skies" (came from nowhere into existence), which for some reason seems to be the expectation here.

I mean such movements are nothing new, i only wait until someone proposes the super-secret insider club/owner of x-y-z club as the solution to all these problems.

I know what you are saying... but as a Musician & a lover of certain 'Verse'... you brought back memories
with your "no master ever fell from the skies" line!!  :)...

It's to do with (our) feelings about sharing/passing-on knowledge musically, but in all other aspects too!...
"May those who soar in the sky,
 Walk, back down the mountain,
 & teach those with leadened feet to Fly! "

What a beautiful phrase!!   :-+
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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #64 on: May 27, 2020, 02:54:55 pm »
The whole issue of people having a "right" to comment on stuff like youtube videos I find kinda funny.

Imagine you're walking down the street and someone comes up to you and says "Couldn't you find something nicer to wear? That looks like crap". Or you spend weeks/months building a cool RC airplane from scratch and bring it to a club to fly it with a bunch of other RC'ers, and someone tells you "Are you freakin' kidding?? That's not realistic at all. That's just crap".

Nobody asked for your input. And I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about your opinion, or my opinion, or anyone else's opinion. If someone wants to design their videos so that they appeal to certain viewers, and they ASK for your opinion, then fine.

Well. I do not entirely disagree with you there. Sure, some people will tell you (and they did) that it's different, because by publishing videos on Youtube, you're becoming like a public personality or something, and then you can't complain about getting comments. In other words, by publishing, you are expected to get comments, whether you want them or not.

I think there's a way around that though. You can disable comments for any of your Youtube videos, can't you? If you don't want comments, just disable comments. Some viewers may feel "offended" by that, but if you're not looking to get a lot of viewers, who cares. OTOH, if you want a lot of viewers (possibly to make money), then you'll have to accept comments.

If you only want to share stuff but not get any comment, you can do so by hosting your content on your own website or something. Text or videos. And don't include any comment functionality, or any way people can otherwise contact you.

But do most people feel like they are entitled to comment on anything just because they can? Yes. Very true. Does that add tremendous value? Not necessarily. I do think this minimal "interactivity" is what keeps people interested though. Remove that, and I guess many would stop watching/reading. People love to be able to express themselves, at least as much as consuming content.

Point is - this is part of what makes Youtube (and otherwise social networks) attractive IMHO, so you pretty much have to deal with it - or go see elsewhere.


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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #65 on: May 27, 2020, 03:13:48 pm »
Pity you are '100%' wrong, after hitting 'Enter' before seeing my response.

Oh, I should have chosen another time to post far away from your posts to prevent accidentally triggering someone and the gang. My sincere apology.

Maybe it is a cultural difference but this Thread so far is the furthest from a heated debate until you joined in with that nonsense. However having had the honor reading previous posts of yours on life and how to live it before I fear it is more due to your bitter personality.  :-//  :-+ Or Maybe I underestimate how much to a CCP Drone any disagreement between adults must seem like a heated Debate.
As easy as paint by number.
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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #66 on: May 27, 2020, 04:10:01 pm »
Or you spend weeks/months building a cool RC airplane from scratch and bring it to a club to fly it with a bunch of other RC'ers, and someone tells you "Are you freakin' kidding?? That's not realistic at all. That's just crap".

That actually happened to an RC enthusiast acquaintance of mine.

He built one of those WW2 German fighters....not the ubiquitous ME109 or FW190, even myself can recognize those, but something a little more obscure.
To my un-educated eyes, the plane looked marvelous.

But when he took it to an RC meet specializing in WW2 planes, he actually got sh!t because a pair of decals were not correct for that particular airplane.

Something along the lines of: "Even a troglodyte knows that these planes were only used on the Eastern front prior to the Battle of Stalingrad, and your decals are of planes that fought exclusively during the London Blitz."

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #67 on: May 28, 2020, 05:00:09 am »
And now you're even liable for huge fines if your guess on what constitutes offensive is wrong.

Err, no, how so exactly would that happen?

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #68 on: May 28, 2020, 05:07:04 am »
TV and youtube are garbage for teaching you anything

So the entire set of MIT lectures available on Youtube, not to mention the countless other tutorial videos on Youtube don't teach you anything? The exact same lectures that get you an engineering degree from MIT are useless?

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #69 on: May 28, 2020, 05:10:47 am »
I had to step back, think for a moment, and wonder if you serious when you say "becoming" - BECOMING? HAH! DOUBLE-HAH!! TRIPLE-HAH!!! EEVblog forum members seem to be grumpy, miserable, nit-picking old gits BY DEFAULT - if ever I've seen grumpy, EEVblog magnifies this a billion fold to another level. So, yeah, I am not sure about the "becoming" part - I've always known of this forum as a place where arrogant, know-it-all, miserable saddos with no life hang out (and where they make it VERY CLEAR, very quickly that they have no life outside the "community" they kid themselves they're "part of".)
It's almost as if you're "expected" to put up with it, and be grateful for membership, and that it's "par for the course" - like this pedantic arrogance is worn as a "badge of pride" by many (not all, naturally).
Have you EVER heard such a flaming crock of shit as the concept of ANY online forum being a "community"? The term is bandied about ad nauseum, but it doesn't make it any more true.

Just say the word and I'll happily lock your account so you won't accidentally come here again and subject yourself to all of us here  ::)
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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #70 on: May 28, 2020, 05:12:28 am »
TV and youtube are garbage for teaching you anything- it's like watching a video with someone explaining how to do a math exam. You don't actually experience the pain and learn the math, instead it's someone showing you the answers.
I tried saying exactly that in another thread recently – that looking for tutorials at Youtube is not sensible – and all I achieved was getting Dave mad, and calling me a troll who has a psychological need to get the final word.  :palm:


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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #71 on: May 28, 2020, 05:19:59 am »
And if you really think their stuff sucks and you can do it better, then do it. Show the world how freakin' brilliant you are and how much better you are. Start your own channel, and learn what it's really like.
Hey, if that was intended for me, my point was that in my experience (learning, teaching, and tutoring), written text works much better as an information source (especially if interspersed with demo/example/experiment/worklog videos) than any tutorial videos I've ever seen. I am NOT saying that the videos suck; I'm only saying it is a poor medium for tutorials: like boiling water in a plastic bag.  I am also saying that that there already are cranky scrooges doing good demo/example/experiment/worklog videos on Youtube, with AvE and KeithAppleton as examples. I'd include BigClive and Dave too, but I haven't seen either of them cranky.

I have no idea who Keith Appleton is, but AvE is hardly an example of  good concise information. Sure he really knows his stuff, and there is a ton of great stuff in the videos, but his videos are a classic example of infotainment, and very verbose one at that, the very thing you seen to be complaining about.
If you think people mostly watch AvE for the information, you are kidding yourself, they watch for the entertainment, as people watch most Youtubers for. This is the reason why people watch a certain content creator, they continue to watch it primarily for the person, not primarily for the information.

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #72 on: May 28, 2020, 05:24:26 am »
Youtube has sucked up content producers because it was paying the best, simple as that.

Youtube existed for 6-7 years before anyone really made a cent from it. No shortage of creators then, in fact the entire platform was build by these creators earning nothing.
Creators like me started because we wanted to share information and make a name for themselves doing so. For me personally, it was an extension of doing the same thing in print form with my magazine project articles and then my web site.

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #73 on: May 28, 2020, 05:42:53 am »
And if you really think their stuff sucks and you can do it better, then do it. Show the world how freakin' brilliant you are and how much better you are. Start your own channel, and learn what it's really like.
Hey, if that was intended for me, my point was that in my experience (learning, teaching, and tutoring), written text works much better as an information source (especially if interspersed with demo/example/experiment/worklog videos) than any tutorial videos I've ever seen. I am NOT saying that the videos suck; I'm only saying it is a poor medium for tutorials: like boiling water in a plastic bag.  I am also saying that that there already are cranky scrooges doing good demo/example/experiment/worklog videos on Youtube, with AvE and KeithAppleton as examples. I'd include BigClive and Dave too, but I haven't seen either of them cranky.

I have no idea who Keith Appleton is, but AvE is hardly an example of  good concise information. Sure he really knows his stuff, and there is a ton of great stuff in the videos, but his videos are a classic example of infotainment, and very verbose one at that, the very thing you seen to be complaining about.
If you think people mostly watch AvE for the information, you are kidding yourself, they watch for the entertainment, as people watch most Youtubers for. This is the reason why people watch a certain content creator, they continue to watch it primarily for the person, not primarily for the information.

Eh.. not everyone but im weird and go for channels like TSP / Altium content with multi hour long discussions and breakdowns in the more conference style format :P

The other half is made up of channels with indonesian men digging in the dirt and making mini houses and if you havent seen them.. well you should :P

Just wish it was easier to hit the solid channels that have more teaching content to them.. if you dont know what to look for half the time you would never find them but they do exist and well worth watching a few times.. i actually like how Altium posted a bunch of their Altium Live sessions.. makes it super easy to rewatch / take notes / etc

I doubt Microchip does Masters this year with the choas going on in the states.. I hope they do something similar to what Altium already started doing for their conference

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Re: Are we becoming old, cranky scrooges in these forums.
« Reply #74 on: May 28, 2020, 06:15:31 am »
TV and youtube are garbage for teaching you anything

So the entire set of MIT lectures available on Youtube, not to mention the countless other tutorial videos on Youtube don't teach you anything? The exact same lectures that get you an engineering degree from MIT are useless?

I can watch Mario Andretti videos on race car driving and will that make me "learn" to be a great driver?
I can watch videos on climbing Mt. Everest and will that make me "learn" to be a great climber?

Watching MIT/Youtube/TED talks and lectures etc., soaking up content - it's not the learning process. Giving someone answers, doing all the thinking and work for them- does not teach. This is just my opinion. The homework, the thinking, the lab assignments, are where and when the learning takes place.

I ripped apart a computing science instructor in class, for pissing around with pointers in C for two weeks. Such a waste of time. I demanded a refund for the course tuition fee. His response to me? "The purpose of university is not to teach you anything, the purpose of university to show you how to learn"  :palm:

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