Author Topic: New Member, Please introduce yourself  (Read 1562059 times)

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Offline blocky

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #275 on: January 04, 2011, 09:34:08 pm »
Hi there,
I am Sagi from Israel,
i am mainly a QA/Programmer.
lately i started up on micro-controllers (AVRs) and electronics in general and i absolutely love it.
This community looks preety awesome so i thought i shouldn't miss it (i also been watching dave's blogs and he just rocks)

Electronics category at my hobby directory site -

Offline GvendurE

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #276 on: January 07, 2011, 05:32:42 pm »
Hi my name is Guðmundur Einarsson. But you can call me Gummi.
I am an Icelander curently living in the UK but hoping to return to the homeland in not to distant future.
I studied electronics but not a degree, I don’t know what its called in English, Electronics maybe…..
I have bin working in the industry for 8-9 years mostly doing AV installations.
For the last two years I have bin working as an AV maintenance engineer at The Science Museum in London witch is one of the coolest places in the world.

I love tinkering and building stuff as a hobby. I fixe tube amps for my musician friends and love building small circuits for solving stuff at work (555 is king). 
I am also getting into micro controllers a little bit.

All the best.

Gummi. ;D
555 is king

Offline ajcrm125

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #277 on: January 11, 2011, 02:44:32 pm »
My name's Adam Courchesne and I was featured on Amp Hour #23 with my WorkBench of the Week Video:

Before you ask...
ajcrm125 = Adam J Courchesne + Suzuki RM125
(Used to race motocross in the old days)

These days I work full time as a Digital ASIC Developer and spend most of my free time collecting, restoring, and repairing classic arcade games:

Looking forward to some good geekery conversation. :D

Offline silicon_cockroach

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #278 on: January 13, 2011, 02:53:29 am »
Hi guys :) I am new here,this is my first post ever :) I'm from Serbia,i am 27 years old.My name is Goran and I like electronics,i am not a professional i am merely a technician in electronics repair shop.I like to design new stuff,and do random stuff involving electronics.I love to play with SolidWorks , cnc machines and of course MPLAB  :-) .....  So this is something about me ... i hope that this is enough. for now :)   P.S.  I am still learning English so please don't go harsh on me if i spell something wrong :-) 
Humans mostly behave according to ohms law ... sometimes they run into XL .... don't ask , i have no answer

Offline Wim_L

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #279 on: January 15, 2011, 07:47:46 pm »
Hi folks, I'm Wim Libaers, 28 years old, and from Flanders. Studied chemistry, currently unemployed and ending a PhD in chemistry which involved some chemistry, lots of optics and quite a bit of electronics and programming too (but mostly on commercial measurement equipment). As a hobby, I started to learn more about the basics of electronics to see how it all fits together.

Offline Frangible

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #280 on: January 16, 2011, 06:38:22 am »
I'm John, I've been building stuff with microprocessors since an 8088 with an 8087 coprocessor was still considered hot stuff.  I've even sent a bunch of them into space.  I think Dave's rants are the best in the business!

Online lowimpedance

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #281 on: January 17, 2011, 12:22:36 am »
Hello all
  My name is John, have been in the Electronics industry since leaving High School in 1981 (Jeez is it that long!).
Racal Electronics gave me my break and like them the rest is history.
 When I was a lad I loved taking things apart to see what was inside and .... nothing has changed. As a hobby I like to
collect and get working any old test gear I can scrounge, (love to spend a week at APEX!!!).
Also believe you can never have enough multimeters.

PS and yes I found Dave’s excellent blog while researching the Rigol scope.
The odd multimeter or 2 or 3 or 4...or........can't remember !.

Offline johnwa

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #282 on: January 18, 2011, 09:36:11 am »
Greetings all, another John here.

I am an electrical engineer from Victoria, Australia. I have lurking here for a while, thought I better say hello!

My current project is an RS-485 - based home automation network. I might post some details once i get something up and running...

Offline Geek1EE

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #283 on: January 19, 2011, 08:06:24 pm »
Hey, Kyle here! Been lurking around for a couple of weeks and thought I had better say hello first off. I graduate in December with my EE degree and am currently working on a few at home projects! Oh and I'm from Texas baby!

Offline ally

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #284 on: January 21, 2011, 01:08:01 pm »
Hey guys,

Nice to meet you all. I graduated in EE in Scotland, but have spent most my working life editing electronics magazines. I now work with Farnell/element14. My primary role is editing the comapny's Technology First journal, which you may have seen and working on our community site.

I've not practised electronics for a while, but I've got myself some PIC32 boards and a book and I'm going to try get back into it and hopefully keep you updated, or pester you with questions!



Offline pjclarke

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #285 on: January 22, 2011, 01:39:04 pm »
Hi All,

My name is Paul and I live in the UK and work for a fan manufacture designing speed / temperature / pressure controllers blah, blah.

Been doing electronics for 30+ years, think of myself as a embedded hardware engineer but do lots of code (asm and C).

Offline Vyper

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #286 on: January 22, 2011, 06:54:10 pm »
Hi all..

Danny from the u s a
AAs Elect. engineering tech.
Electronics Tech for u s government
Sr. Electronics engineering technician for U. S. Government
AAS electronics engineering technology/Environmental engineering

Offline tweek

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #287 on: January 23, 2011, 02:14:03 am »
Hi all, Phil here.  Long time lurker on the forum and watcher of the blog.  I'm a 33yr old sysadmin and software guy (depending on the day) from the Research Triangle area of North Carolina, USA.  I have tinkered with electronics on and off since I was a kid.  My university education is in Avionics but I've enjoyed slogging my way through the IT cesspool...errr...field, for the past 14 years or so leaving electronics to be that thing I can do when I'm done with work for the day.

Offline ganzziani

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #288 on: January 26, 2011, 07:58:45 pm »
Hi, I'm Gabriel Anzziani, I'm an electronic engineer graduated from University Simon Bolivar. I make LCD oscilloscopes and I am looking to share knowledge and receive suggestions on this forum.

Offline RaySolomon

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #289 on: January 27, 2011, 07:42:08 am »
My name is Ray. I'm from Mesa, Arizona.

I am a professional IT guy, web developer and programmer and have a little electronics experience from when I was younger.

For some reason I feel like seriously getting into electronics engineering. I'm so used to thinking logic and programming that maybe its why electronics captures my interest so much. It naturally feels like the next best extension of knowledge I should be learning.

I have an electronics lab setup for the first time (just under $1000). Its really neat and I based all my purchases on recommendation from Dave's videos and other people in the forum.

I'm very excited to get started and learn the basics of how each component works and figure it out as I go.

I'm always up for helping or sharing ideas with anyone.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 05:38:29 pm by RaySolomon »

Offline hfleming

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #290 on: January 28, 2011, 09:15:46 am »
Hi, I am Hendrik. I am originally from South Africa, but are now living in Norway. I have designed RF equipment (transceivers and peripherals), industrial electronic equipment (SCADA systems, robots, etc), aviation electronics and did a lot of work on EMI.

Offline Spekkio

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #291 on: January 29, 2011, 11:33:48 am »
Hello, My name is Daniel, I study Electronics Engineering in Sweden.
My brother taught me to program in Amiga Basic when I was around 12, and I have been hooked on programming ever since.
After that I am self taught in Turbo Pascal and C. I have always been really fascinated by electronics but it was always like a mystery to me, programming was easier to experiment with. I learned x86 Assembler when I was like 18 I think, and I decided to try and make my own IRC client in Assembler for Windows. It worked but the server and join channel and nickname was hard-coded into the program. And it could only join one channel :)
Anyway, I worked for a while programming my own CMS systems for different small companies, Content Management Systems for their websites.
But I wanted to take on my interests in Electronics and decided to study engineering, and I think it's extremely fun :)

Offline Regnirps

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #292 on: January 31, 2011, 02:56:09 am »
Hi all. Charlie Springer. Physicist and CTO of Industrial ARMWorks near Seattle. Inventor of the rotating graviometer, the only instrument that can measure the speed of gravity.

Offline radiocrazier

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #293 on: February 01, 2011, 12:50:32 pm »
Hi all ,I'v just introduced my self, I'm radiocrazier, I'v forgot my name to tell you,I'm come from china, my english name is James.Thamks! ;D ;D ;D ::)

Offline RuddyCrazy

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #294 on: February 03, 2011, 10:06:27 am »
G'day Guys,
                RuddyCrazy is my alter ego with RE but on the net I'm known as Bryan1 (yes the ETO moderator).

Dave your blogs are nothing but bloody fantastic and when I finally get my RE charge controller project finished I should send you one to try  :D. nothing like constructive criticism.......

Anyway I do see that foul mouth pommie on here so whats the bet I get a hammering off that wanker  ::)

Had I known of the forum I would of joined yonks ago.....

Great work Dave  :P

Oneday we'll have to catch up for a beer or 3

Cheers Bryan

Offline zenomp5

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #295 on: February 03, 2011, 12:39:16 pm »
Hello everyone!  Sorry I didn't read every post here, but I hope to meet some friends and hopefully help out.  I was introduced through the EEVBlog on youtube and Dave is the man  lol

I am getting into PIC programming with C and it is a hobby when it comes to this.  I work in the steel industry for programming PLCs and HMIs in South East Asia.

Offline mhs2xs

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #296 on: February 04, 2011, 04:08:55 pm »
I'm Mitchell. I've been a drummer/musician for 35 years and I'm starting to get into the modification of microphones and preamps. As well as the general troubleshooting that comes along when you've amassed a large amount of audio/recording equipment over the years. I'm trying to better educate myself in electronics. I'm a mechanical guy and had 1 EE course in college, so I know enough about electricity to be mildly dangerous. I'm normally a quick study so hopefully that will change soon.


Offline PStevenson

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #297 on: February 05, 2011, 12:23:19 am »

Hi I'm Paul Stevenson (28) from Manchester, UK
all my life I have loved electronics and music so I got started trying to make things I couldn't afford to buy for my music and of course my love for electronics took over and I just got into more and more of it outside of the audio fields mostly these days.
I have found it very difficult to get where I am because I have Dyscalculia which is the same as dyslexia but instead of being words and letters it is maths and numbers I have trouble with.

it's mainly thanks to the video blog of Daves that I have found confidence in actually designing things for myself instead of just copying a schematic and so far it's working out well! albeit more simplistic things than the mastery that is Daves designs.
I learned more from the EEVBlog than I did in school
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Offline sotos

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #298 on: February 10, 2011, 01:11:34 pm »
Hello friends.
I am new here, I live in Greece, Athens, and I work about 30 years in electronics-electrics and automation.
Now I repair Pcbs and do some servicing in the field.

My name is Sotiris.

Offline ecowarrior

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #299 on: February 12, 2011, 09:17:03 pm »
Obligatory 'say hello' post!

Evening all (unless it's morning, in which case replace word as appropriate!).  It's ME from the UK, where it's always cold and people moan.

Starting to tinker with electronics again as a hobby, 30 years after I last had a go with the help of my dad, some resistors, an LED or two and a breadboard that was partly broken.

Have just completed my first successful build (chu moy amp) and now wondering what to build next! Anything to make a mess  :D

Gotta love Dave's crazy style - was a bit of a shock at first but he makes me laugh now.  Good stuff Dave, keep it going!

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