Author Topic: New Member, Please introduce yourself  (Read 1562043 times)

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Offline Seb37000

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #325 on: April 16, 2011, 12:26:49 pm »
Hi all,

My name is Sébastien. I am 32 years old.  I live in France, so English is not my natural language and I don't speak it very well. (ps : sorry for my poor grammar and my poor vocabulary, I really do my best !) Understanding is ok.

A few more words about me : three years ago, I decided to go to the university. It was quite difficult. I am interested in electronics but unfortunately I am not very good in this field (too many maths for an "old" man), and I dont have yet all the instruments to practice at home.

Of course, I hope to learn more, that's the reason why I'm here. Thank you for your videos, Dave. They are very interesting for someone like me. ;)

Offline benkiki

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #326 on: April 24, 2011, 06:27:47 pm »
Hello I'm Marvin from Malaysia. Currently pursuing my Degree in Electronics engineering. Majoring in Communication.

Latest project was building an automatic top loading washing machine by using the old 1979 MC68000 microprocessor. Took me days to figure out the thing. Tried it out using Arduino just for the kick and I got it working in 3 hours. Oh and I taken apart my Laptop AC power adapter just now because it keep overheating and going into thermal shutdown. Possible suspect are bad capacitor.

Offline Dani

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #327 on: April 26, 2011, 03:24:59 pm »
Hi, all

my name is Dani and I'm an engineering student at RMIT (Melbourne Australia) university. and it's electronics and communication engineering, and I'm really passion about it and currently at 3rd year, and I'm looking forward to working on more hobby projects and gain more knowledge and experiences on electronics. by the way thanks for all the helpful videos Dave!   

Offline Cj1corbystarlet

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #328 on: April 26, 2011, 03:37:09 pm »
Hi all,

I'm a Electrician from Perth WA Australia, been a guest lurker for a while, and finally signed up :).

Getting back into Hobby electronics after a Looooooong break, am also having to repair more an more electronics in my day job as the technology advances, less mechanical relays and more PLC's these days.


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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #329 on: April 26, 2011, 11:30:59 pm »
hello, I'm Yossi from Israel and electronics is hobby to me for a long time.
Today i'm working on a project which i hope to patent it and maybe do some money of it.

I hope you consider NOT getting a patent, it will almost certainly be money down the drain.


Offline elCap

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #330 on: April 28, 2011, 08:50:54 am »
Hi everyone!
I'm from Sweden, living in Japan. I have been working in the nanotech/microlithography business for seven years as a system engineer.

Previously I was working as a research engineer, doing everything from electronics, mechanics, programming, to laser and optics, and all the boring stuff between.

Recently I decide to pick up on my electronics interest again after basically being idling since I moved to Japan. So I kick-started by investing in some gear (Osc Agilent MSOX2014A, Meter Agilent 1272A and a Sanwa low price meter, Function gen Rigol DG1022, Power Supply GW Instek GPS-4303, LCR B&K 879B, Pickit 2, some tools, cables and connectors)
I have a wide area of interest, but audio, power supply, laser, optics, measurement technics and amplfier are of little more interest.

EEVblog is a great inspiration, very educational and enjoyable!

Offline shadowless

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #331 on: April 29, 2011, 11:25:56 pm »

I am living in US at the moment.

My hunt for an oscilloscope brought me here. I am a hobbyist with no formal training, just learning as i go along.

Learnt a lot about test equipment and electronics stuff here.  I have learnt to appreciate the better quality equipment since.   

Thanks a lot for the site.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 04:26:02 pm by shadowless »

Offline jasonh

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #332 on: April 30, 2011, 11:04:53 am »
Hi all, I found the site by seeing Dave on youtube while searching for something.  I clicked on it to see this really animated guy with an aussie accent and ended up watching a fair few videos :)

    I have been a software and systems guy for all of my career but I have always had a lot of interests.  My dad was an electrical engineer before he moved in to software so I grew up with all the smells and equipment which comes with that.   Unfortunately dad moved in to software before I got to the age where I could really start to learn the fundamentals and my interest moved with him to computers.   So while I could always put together kits like the pros I didn't aways understand why they worked.   To a large extent that hasn't changed except I can understand what I am reading these days so the learning curve doest seem so steep.

   About 5 years ago I bout an atmel avr development kit, the stk500.   I was amazed how easy it seemed to do things with i2c busses etc.  For a software engineer it seemed very plug and play and the electronics didn't seem like such a barrier.   Then my boy arrived  and I never did anything with it.

   Then a little while ago I saw the arduino stuff and my interest has perked again but I have some specific projects to do this time around.   I have ideas for telescope drive controllers,   flight simulator panels,  moving platforms for flight simulators.   The arduino stuff seems to have made a lot of this even simpler than last time around.  Probably because of the easy to use libraries for controlling servos/steppers/spi/i2c/ports etc.

    I bought an uno but I plan to mount the chips on to my own pcb's.  The other day I tried miling one on a cnc just to see how it would come out.   Surprisingly well considering the cutter I used was not ideal.

    I also spend a bit of time in the workshop with my metal and woodworking tools.  The last electronics project I did was building some active speakers.   I only had to populate the boards but there were two with lotsa things on them. You can see a pic of one of the boards here,  how cool would it be to have the skills to design it :)

   Otherwise, most of my projects using electronics have been relegated to using 3rd party controllers to integrate my diy flightsim controllers.

   I plan to use my workshop to create some nice (hopefully) things with good electronics.   I want to make a simple telescope drive system and build a telescope mount for a small scope.    Right now I have built my main telescope but I had purchased a mount to put it on.  It's here.

  My most recently finished project which had a lot of wiring but using purchased electronics was my CNC machine.   It's partly why I have a new interest in the electronics  because it can really help me do the mechanical parts of project a lot more quickly than I could do before as well as make some things possible that were to time consuming in the past - like replica aircraft panels which require lots of electronics, albeit not too difficult.  Here is that one done.

   My dads old oscilloscope it broken, bah, it was only 40mhz I think and looking around they are a lot cheaper,  not necessarily in New Zealand, but that Rigol Dave is using looks very good,  I must read up to see if the 'upgrade' is still possible on current versions.

    Anyway,  I will browse the forums and will most likely have more questions than answers but in the end I hope I can have a good mating between my software background, my workshop interests and microcontrollers :)


Offline gluttonforpunishment

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #333 on: April 30, 2011, 02:54:08 pm »
Hi Folks,
 I'm new here, and relatively novice at electronics. I found this forum from watching Dave's EEV vlog on youtube, what a great site/guy!

 Well, you guessed it, judging from my user name, I can be somewhat of a "glutton for punishment", at times. I mean well, but, the curiosity of electronics can get me into trouble. That is why I decided to put on the brakes, and start from the beginning in electronics.

 I'm super glad to be here, and I'm looking forward to learning from you guys/gals.

Best regards,


Offline vk6zgo

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #334 on: May 01, 2011, 02:13:03 am »
Yeah,well,I'd better introduce myself.

My name is Bryan,my nickname on this forum is VK6ZGO,which is my Amateur Radio Callsign.

I am a retired Electronics Technician/Technical Officer,& I have been in this type of job for around 40years.

I am new on this forum,but have been posting comments on Dave's blogs for a couple of years.

I have noticed that some of the people on this forum tend to "put the cart before the horse",in that they try to design

difficult circuitry before they have the basic theoretical knowledge to do so.

Now,having upset a few people,I'll sign off :D


Offline Drirr

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #335 on: May 01, 2011, 10:20:58 am »
My name is David and I'm a student from Czech republic. I was born in 1990.
I am interested in measuring technologies and communication.

Offline firewalker

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #336 on: May 01, 2011, 12:04:28 pm »
My name is David and I'm a student from Czech republic. I was born in 1990.
I am interested in measuring technologies and communication.

Welcome Drirr!
Become a realist, stay a dreamer.


Offline RCMR

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #337 on: May 02, 2011, 04:22:53 am »
I signed up a while back but thought it time to introduce myself.

I'm an EE from years-back (the mid 1970's was when I got into the game) and although I've switched vocations a few times, they've always been aligned in some way with electronics and I've always been working on some project or another.

These days I'm a publisher and (like Dave) an almost full-time YouTube content creator, running a couple of channels:

RC Model Reviews (website at: and XJet

At present I'm polishing a couple of electronics projects (prior to publication) I've been working on for RCModelReviews, including a telemetry system for RC planes with speech output, and modding some 900MHz video systems to reduce their spurious outputs and shift them to legal frequencies.

I also design and manufacture some avionics for some small players in the local full-sized aviation industry (helicopters mainly) and do quite a few bespoke systems as/when required.

Offline pete101

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #338 on: May 06, 2011, 07:22:26 am »
Hi I'm Pete.

Electronics is my passion and if you have time visit my site to see cool gadgets that you think fits 'on you.

thanks and have a nice day

Offline jasonh

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #339 on: May 06, 2011, 08:11:58 am »
Hi I'm Pete.

Electronics is my passion and if you have time visit my site to see cool gadgets that you think fits 'on you.

thanks and have a nice day

Is that spam?  I go to the site but I dont see any cool ee related projects just an unfinished store for something?


Offline CircuitMart

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #340 on: May 06, 2011, 09:00:59 am »
It's internet making us so close to each other!

Great to know you here!

Iris From China, relieved from Driving License this morning!

It is a long March!

I am a PCB maker, do assembly sometimes, I could realize your design into Board with parts...

Interested friends pls visit for more details.

Anyway, it is weekend, I am so happy....


Offline ulix

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #341 on: May 11, 2011, 12:03:20 pm »
Hello everybody!

I like David's video blog.
I'm 23 and learing electrician, after that I want to study mechatronics at uni.
To the field of electronics I'm a beginner, build a pulsdetector (not on my own).
I wish that David is including some beginners stuff into his video blog.


Offline adam_lumpkins

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #342 on: May 12, 2011, 10:51:55 pm »
Hi my name is Adam I am from the U.S. "texas" I have a strong entrest in hobby electronics and hacking.   I am self tault, I have a decent lab with every thing but a scope!!!lol I have to get one!!  not e-nuff money yet.... I dont know why but I have a strong interest in the "Ausi. electronis community"  !!!!!

Offline ilikepez

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #343 on: May 15, 2011, 12:05:12 am »
My name is Ryan, I've been watching the eevblog for a little under a year and I find it very interesting. I'm in the Electrical program at my local technical college and I am eventually planning to go back to university to do a Power Engineering program or an Electrical Engineering program.

Our electrical program deals with some electronics trains us to do home, commercial,industrial installation and troubleshooting. We also learn plcs, vfds, and a lot of control systems. I'm having lots of fun with it! I've been doing some electronics for years as a hobby but lately my skills have gotten a lot better and my interest has gone way up.


Offline stl

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #344 on: May 17, 2011, 09:50:01 am »

I've been watching the videos and visiting this forum for some time now, finally took the time to register and start participating.

I'm sure I'll learn things here, hope I can give something back.

Sérgio Luis

Offline copiertalk

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #345 on: May 19, 2011, 04:45:25 am »

I am mike.

I am a learning or in the process of learning. I wouldn't consider my self a hacker or a maker but I like to build things and play around with technology and play with electronics, wood working, plastics, just pretty much anything that catches my ADD at the time.

I am a copier / printer / fax / scanner tech by trade.

( as you can probably tell by the username )

Offline bartek

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #346 on: May 21, 2011, 06:13:59 am »
Great blog Dave and great to see an Aussie doing so much for the industry!

My name is Bartek and I'm currently taking a "detour" from my electronic engineering degree and I'm interested in all things Biomedical, microcontroller and audio.

I'm here to soak up as much info and experience as I can!

Offline FrankMc

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #347 on: May 22, 2011, 08:50:00 am »
Hi Guys

I,m Frank a sparkie living in Melbourne...Came across Dave,s Blog from a link on a U.S.  sparkie Forum....

 Been doing electronics as a hobby since i was an apprentice ...Dabble with PIC micros, programming in asm a little picbasic pro and lately have used  a program which converts ladder logic to pic code....


Offline N5XL

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #348 on: May 23, 2011, 02:54:37 pm »
Hello to all from hot and sunny Phoenix, AZ.  Self taught electronics hobbyist and amateur radio operator for 26 years.

73 de N5XL ..


Offline WattSekunde

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #349 on: May 24, 2011, 12:23:54 am »
Hello around the globe and maybe beyond...  :D

I am an electronic hobbyist since... I was 5 Years old and I disassembled a small 3V electrical motor from a toy and think to myself... "1.5V battery = to slow"... "9V battery = nice fast"... "220V main power plug in the wall = ??? That has to be really fast!" ***booom***  :o - Yes I did it with the cables from the multimeter of my father. Some croco clips on one motor side and the perfect fitting banana clips into the wall.   ::)

Little later I started with a breadboard and some parts from my father in the early 80's. He is an electronic engineer, too. So, as a child I had a great resource of a wide range of sample components. My first contact to logic ICs was CMOS and not TTL like others around me, because my father used only CMOS on his projects. I loved the low power for battery powered projects and the low voltage range and had never ever problems with electro static discharge on my CMOS chips. I dreamed of building my own CPU...

My first computer contact was the Motorola MEK6802D5 evaluation board. With this thing I've learned what a computer really is from ground up. I soldered some circuits with LEDs etc. on it and writing the code direct into it via the HEX keyboard & display. Later I controlled my lego motors with it.

BTW in germany you always have to make some sort of paper if you want to get a chance to work on interesting jobs. So I have studied electronic engineering and computer science and - yes, worked on some interesting things... (680x, 680xx, inmos Transputer, motorola PPC, PIC, ...  ) :D

In my private workshop I use mostly the nice Hameg Analog/Digital 1507-3.

And an old TES 2360 LCR Multimeter. I saw now on google and can't believe it's under construction until today for around 100$. I don't really know - but mine is more than 10 maybe 15(!) Years old! Unbelievable. Sometimes I have to by a Gossen-Metrawatt to check if it needs a calibration ;).

@Dave. I'd love to see a tear down of the TES 2360 because it's full of old PCBs, DILs, etc.   ;D

In my very little free time I love to hack things HW/SW and build, rebuild, restore, and play synthesizer. (

Thank you Dave for your always inspiring EEVblog!

Michael (WattSekunde)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 07:58:39 pm by WattSekunde »

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