My name is Michael.
I have few few formal qualifications, I am mostly self taught.
I have Been employed in the electronic/radio comms industry for over 22 years. Been living and breathing electronics, computers, audio, amateur radio, home theatre etc. for as long as I can remember. I can remember getting electronics kits to build in my early primary school days, I have vivid memories of my Dad building a multimeter from a kit when I was four or five years old. My Dad was big into photography and loved CB radio.
While I was still at high school I designed an interface to connect the physics lab air track optical sensors to my Commodore 64 computer joystick port. I wrote simple programs to quickly show the results of conversation of momentem/collision experiments and also acceleration experiments... this was back in the day when personal computers were very much a novelty and the people in the computer club were nerds!
Towards the end of high school I built a small wheeled robot that was under (wired) control of the C64. I had one of the early West German Commodore 64 computers, the one with the socketed IC's... I don't know how many CIA chips I blew up and it was great to just plug in a new one! Built a TEC-1 (Talking Electronics Computer magazine) Z80 computer and had some fun with simple low level programming as well.
Always had plenty of Electronics Australia, ETI, Silicon Chip, etc magazines on hand for reading. I still have issues from the 70's and 80's that I love looking through.
Got involved with amateur radio in the early 90's, about the same time I arrived at my current job. Originally based in install/servicing pro marine electronics (radar, sonar, GPS) back in the days when a GPS receiver was a $9K plus investment and it only worked for a handful of hours in the day. I still have an $18K JRC JLR-4000 GPS receiver around here somewhere! The company I work for has expanded into all kinds of things... radio comms (private and commercial broadcast), satellite comms, industrial electronic design and repair, industrial and commercial electrical... one day I might be reparing an old Philips FM320 UHF CB, the next I might be on a private plane heading off to a faraway port to work on a fishing boat. My work used to take me from the depths of the bilge to the top of the mast.
More recently I have been getting into digital amateur radio and using the internet to link radio systems. Love the D-Star system, had an IRLP node operational for around 10 years, built my own GMSK digital radio repeater system, I have fun with APRS, the house is full of Clipsal C-Bus home automation gear, my Toyota Hilux is crammed full of amatur radio equipment, I love movies and my home theatre with 130" 2.37:1 cinemascope screen and 1.33x anamorphic projection systems gives me a "just like the movies" experience at home. I've set up a community WiFi system using an abandoned 2.3GHz MDS transmit antenna on a 45m tower, back in the days before widespread ADSL it was a haven for the local gaming community. I've set up short and long range WiFi links, experimented with radio telemetry systems... decoded telemetry from high altitude balloons, I've spoken to Dr. Andy Thomas via amateur radio when he was orbiting the earth on the MIR space station.
I love tech stuff... all tech... computers, networks, embedded systems, wireless comms, encryption, voice codecs, circuit design, programming and the list goes on... But I've already taken up too much room.
Port Lincoln