Aloha and Greetings from Orlando, FL, USA.
I'm mostly retired, but I find I'm tired of not designing stuff. I used to service recording studios and sound companies in Honolulu.
I've designed and built mostly mods for audio gear, some digital stuff, some combined custom controllers. I started as a guitar player then went to tech school, then college. I started programming in 1980 with Basic. Grew into Pascal (while still in DOS), moved to C++ with Windows 3.1 but didn't get far. Got into C with embedded micros in the late 90s. Now I'm back to C++ trying to learn how to write device drivers in Win-10.
I'm now saving up for a decent scope. Saw the video about the Rigol DS1054 on EEVblog YouTube, so that's become my latest ambition. --Thanks Dave--
So, good to be here, glad I found you guys, cheers.
I recently unearthed my old scope from storage and it has a bright dot mid-screen--not helpful. Also got my old Win-XP computer out at the same time. I confirmed a couple of VGA LCD monitors I acquired are working, but the computer produces a long continuous beep instead of booting, so more troubleshooting ahead.
I still play guitar and record. Also do some video editing. Anything to keep from watching too much YouTube. I'm hoping I can video some of my projects once I get some gear together. I had several going in 2012, but had some health issues. Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing.