Those are in-circuit measurements - I just measured the caps (I kept them) out of circuit and mine are ~160 pF too. Doh! There must be something else around to limit bandwidth.. unless you have different size inductors, or maybe there is something behind those vias.
That ADC driver could be a bandwidth limiter, if I could find a match for it. It's not an 8-lead TSSOP as I posted earlier, I looked closer in zoom images and it seems to be a 10 pin no-lead chip of some sort. It's so hard to tell, they're tiny! I still can't find it from Analog Devices, though it must be one of theirs based on the Analog sandwich around it. I imagine it's classified as a differential op-amp, but I can't find it in that category yet. It's approximately 2.6 x 2.9 mm (+/- .1 mm) based on the photographs, I found that by comparing to known parts data.
Don't worry about re-installing the filter - if you read the datasheet on the page that I mentioned it notes that the filter is only necessary depending on application. At least, I think. The only use those capacitors could have is to hold a voltage stable, but I don't see how that could be necessary.
Given that you have a 100 MHz scope, you should only see marginal improvements at 125 MHz. There will be a sharp dropoff following that, though. If you have anything that will generate 100 MHz, check to see what V1/V2 is there. It should be .7 if channel 2 is of a sufficiently higher bandwidth, as you can see where I posted V1/V2 at 50 MHz. From my graphs above, you can also see that my good luck starts to end at about 130 MHz. That's where the modified channel gain starts losing ground to the unmodified channel. In the app notes for the ADC there's nothing else stopping the signal but the ADC driver, so that may be the next place to look, unless someone finds some filter before the variable gain amplifier.