here are some Pics of my 'Mancave'. Many parts have been "dumpstered" at the university or in companies I work for:
It's not that dark like it looks, that's just the camera. On the bottom of the Lowest Broder-Board I mounted two "kitchen"-Lights (36W Fluro each) so the bench is really bright. As I do a lot SMD, the big soldering-station is a Weller rework-system (arrived today
) WMD 3. All the other tools are hidden in the Desk.
My (mostly) RF-Stuff, Test-Receivers, Spectrumanalyzer (HP 141T, classic
) a HV-Supply from R&S and an quite Old HP DSA. Down on the right of the power-switch is my RLC-Meter (ESI Video Bridge).
On the Other side: Components and more chaos
Hidden in the back, my 10MHz GPS-Reference:
The last Pictures are my Power-Wiring, maybe the most interesting part especially for you, metalphreak:
I wired a complete, independent circuit-braker-box (including a RCD) for my Lab. It's also the central grounding-point for my ESD-Stuff. In this box there is a central electric contactor. If I turn the key, the whole Lab is powered up, if I hit the Button everything (except the GPS of course) is off. Good for an emergency and also quite convenient.
Since you are also making a quite solid AC-Supply for your bench, this could be an inspiration for you.
Unfortunately I don't have to much space (still at university, living in "flat share"), therefore the whole thing is quite dense. In the future I hope to get a complete work-room with different benches for soldering, measurements and so on. That would be more ergonomic.