Did not really know where else to post this so ended up here !
This is a 18650 Li Ion charge / battery gauge controller board that I am trying to get to work again, the manufacturer sony seem to have built some kind of kill switch into it such that when the cells are removed, they cannot be re-added again.
I have already managed to read the gas gauge chip and it's eeprom and can't see anything obvious there, but in the process of this I have come across a component that I have never seen before which is highlighted.
It appears to be sat on a white 'sliver' of something about a milimeter thick, maybe an insulator pad or heat transfer pad, I thought initially it was a mosfet, but I cannot get any continuity across any of the pins either in diode or continuity mode.
The identifier is C151 which would suggest it is a capacitor - but with 3 pins ?, Any idea what this component may be ??