Years and years ago, I also transferred 1080p parallel through flex cables. You are already at the limit of what can be transmitted perfectly clean not counting your hand wired jumpers. I usually had to invert the incoming clock depending on source resolution to aid in corrupt pixel captures.
I'm almost finished my new multiport. It is virtually compatible to the old one except each port is a read and write port, the max is 4:1 per multiport unit, but, you may have a multiport 4:1's output new feed an input of another 4:1 down in the chain offering 16 ports with a 2 layer pyramid stack. IE 4 units in 4:1 mode, whose 4 outputs drive another 4:1 inputs at the top of the chain while that one feeds the DDR3_PHY controller module. The advantage here is you now can run the multiport's CMD_CLK in half speed mode up to 250MHz, all 16 ports, instead of the current limit of ~100MHz once you pass 4 IO ports.
Running in half speed mode instead of quarter means that to completely fill the DDR3 bandwidth, you only need 64bit bus at 200MHz instead of 128bit bus at 100MHz. With the multiport in 2:1 mode, IE: 400MHz CMD_CLK, you can achieve full DDR3 bandwidth with a 32bit bus, but, the on-FPGA M9K blockram's speed limit is 330MHz, so, no matter what you do, you are stuck with 200MHz mode, or 250MHz if you overclock the FPGA to 500MHz DDR3.
Because of your wiring, remember to at least single if not double D-Flipflop all your inputs from your HDMI receiver boards and for the inputs before you feed any logic and use the attribute (*useioff=1*), example:
(* useioff = 1 *) input logic Z80_CLK, // Z80 clock signal (8 MHz)
(* useioff = 1 *) input logic [21:0] Z80_ADDR, // Z80 22-bit address bus
Also, if your CLK inputs are not going the the FPGA's dedicated CLK input pin, try to keep all the data inputs in the same bank as the CLK signal which feeds them. I know this can be a hassle with the DECA being pre-wired. If you HDMI decoders have a DDR mode, this may help keeping 15 inputs all clocked inside 1 IO bank instead of 27 inputs with one clock.