I like the EP2C5T144C8 mini boards because they're dirt cheap, compact and simple yet still spacious enough to implement an entire 8 bit computer. I have larger boards and find lots of built in accessories to generally be a nuisance, they rarely have what I actually want and I have to set lots of pins to disable all the stuff I'm not using. I do have one larger board that I really like though, a DE2 but even on that I mostly just use the switches, buttons, LEDs and 7 segment displays. As someone else said though, the question is too broad to really be helpful, ultimately it matters little what board you use, VHDL is VHDL and code written for one FPGA is often easily ported to another. In fact that is how I got started out, by porting other designs to hardware I had.
Download Quartus II, ISE, Vivado and whatever Lattice calls their development suite and have a play with them. You're stuck with the vendor supplied software supporting whatever chip you end up using so that has the biggest impact on your selection.