Hi Everyone,
Once again, a new project for those who are a step above beginner. The attached .zip SystemVerilog test-bench was tested in Altera ModelSim 10 & 20, but contains no Altera specific code. It should work in any ModelSim.
This example .BMP generator and ASCII script file reader can be adapted to test code such as pixel drawing algorithms, picture filters, and make use of a source ascii file to drive the inputs of your .sv DUT module while offering logging of the results, and executing the list of commands in order.
How to setup:
1. Unzip files into their own folder.
2. Open ModelSim.
3. Select 'File - Change directory', select the directory with the source files.
4. In the transcript, type 'do setup.do' to setup ModelSim's environment.
5. In the transcript, type 'do run.do' to re-compile and run the test-bench.
The test-bench source 'ellipse_generator_tb.sv' contains the relevant code example while it drives and responds to the DUT 'ellipse_generator.sv'.
Inside 'ellipse_generator_tb.sv', there are 2 main 'task' calls.
execute_ascii_file("source_file_name.txt"); // Executes the command ascii file, searches for each '@' and executes the command string listed right after.
save_bmp_256( "bmp_file_name.bmp" , <bw_nocolor> ); // saves a 256 color BMP picture.
The 'save_bmp_256' requires 2 parameters setup at the beginning of the test-bench, plus one 8 bit 2 dimensional logic array called bitmap.
// ***********************************************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************************************
// Setup global bitmap size and logic memory array.
localparam BMP_WIDTH = 1024;
localparam BMP_HEIGHT = 1024;
logic [7:0] bitmap [0:BMP_WIDTH-1][0:BMP_HEIGHT-1];
// ***********************************************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************************************
When writing to the bitmap, use this line #441:
if (X_coord>=0 && Y_coord>=0 && X_coord<1024 && Y_coord<1024) bitmap[X_coord][Y_coord] = draw_color;
The 'if' command prevents pixel writes outside the allocated logic array size.
Next, executing an ascii file with a list of commands:
Line #110 calls the 'execute_ascii_file("ellipse_commands_in.txt")' task which opens and reads the .txt file in the quotes.
The command names are executed by the 'case' statement on line #285.
Example command '@DRAW_ELLI' on line #287 calls the draw_ellipse() task:
Line #396 begins the 'task draw_ellipse(integer src, integer dest);' task.
Inside, line #414 reads the 7 decimal parameters & sets the 'ellipse_generator.sv' DUT inputs.
Lines #438-447 waits while the 'ellipse_generator.sv' busy output is high while inside, line #439 waits for the (pixel_data_rdy) before it logs and writes a pixel into the bitmap. Crucially line #446, '@(negedge clk);' prevents the writing of infinite entries into the log file the moment the first pixel data is ready. (Basically, waits 1 clock per acknowledged write.)
Line #115 is what keeps the 'clk' line always oscillating.
While lines 120&121 create a dumb watchdog timer which stops the simulation after 15 clocks of no activity from the DUT ellipse_generator module.
Plus, if anyone gets this project working in other vendor's version of ModelSim other than the free Altera version, please let us know.
(Improved V4.0 located 3 posts below here:
Now Supports Active-HDL (Comes with Lattice Diamond) as well as ModelSim (Comes with Quartus) )