That sounds close to wanting to write Fortran in an HDL. Too close for my comfort.
Parallelism is inherent in any HDL, and can be used when writing tests. Use what the language provides, to its fullest extent. Only when it can be demonstrated that the language is insufficient should such things be considered.
Thus I don't see the need to introduce another mechanism from a very different domain.
Again, no.
Fortran has absolutely no relation to this. You might want to check up on the yield concept of modern languages (Python, C++). Then you will understand that this is the way for building simulators. It's not a different domain either, because the yield mechanisms exactly allow you to model parallelism or clearly denote sequential processes, depending on context.
Can you describe the salient features of such a "state of the art simulator", and why the HDL is insufficient.
"For my convenience because I think that way" is an insufficient justification 
You were already given the arguments above. A SOTA simulator is a priori a simulator you trust, I won't go into the details of explaining simulator differences, as this gets too OT.
A "pure SW mind" is a bad thing to have anywhere near hardware.
C style #ifdefs are a revolting concept that had some value in 1980, when compilers and memory were very limited. No modern language has them, for many very sound reasons.
You're off the track again, I'm afraid. It is a very much valid desire to not emit code to a compiler in a certain context (see portable kernels, like Linux), and I've already mentioned the scenarios where VHDL can't cope.
Yes, vendors do provide code generators to generate SoC peripherals, and badly nested #ifdefs can create maintenance issues.
Don't believe the fairy tales about SW developers getting into HDL. As I said, this distinction is somewhat void for the folks who understand LLVM concepts and modern SW methods.
To at least address some of the original questions:
Anyway, I really wish that some academic minded person would compare the VUnit, OSVVM and UVVM. The UVVM forum does not seem to be very active. I posted two questions and never got a reply at all even after many days.
I really wish that instead of VUnit, UVVM, OSVVM, Cocotb e.t.c. there would be one great solution. But such solution would come from industry which it hasn't so we are all left to create open source solutions.
I'm not aware of any up to date papers. There was some discussion on the GHDL chats a while ago, i believe it was user 'umarcor' who exercised through some scenarios. The problem is the complexity, it's like basically outlining language differences, which will lead nowhere as we can see. So you might have to be more specific in what you're looking for.
The info I can provide is about Co-Simulation with VPI/VHPI and how to loop in stimuli from various language fronts, like MyHDL/Python or C via RPC calls or qemu setups speaking to virtual peripherals. For creating robust tests and CI/CD setups, Python and modules as pytest or VUnit are state of the art software methods you won't want to miss in a dev team. For functional coverage you can get some stuff crossed with OSVVM/UVVM, for formal verification again or code coverage you'll have to use something else (tool specific).
So these are boiler plate methods where you typically weave some code around it and go.
If you wish to simulate the entire system past the technology mapping, you'll use another method again where all the above is very tool specific. Making this all a lot easier using Python or open circuit languages from the CIRCT is considered advanced, there it's more like your private choice if you like/trust it or not. Seldom, management has the insight on this topic.
As long as the 'industry' tends to mutilate standards and exercise vendor locking on their software as well (I just want their silicon, darn), we have to forget about a uniform industry solution where pragmatic decisions are seldom made (why did VHS even become a standard?)