Author Topic: Want to borrow a FPGA devboard? (in Chch, NZ).  (Read 825 times)

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Offline hamster_nzTopic starter

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Want to borrow a FPGA devboard? (in Chch, NZ).
« on: March 19, 2020, 12:47:48 am »
FPGA devboards are great at consuming hobby time without the need any external resources, other than a PC or laptop and Internet access to get the toolchains. You could spend many, many days learning the tech.

I've got more boards than I can use, so if anybody is in Christchurch NZ and wants to fiddle with FPGA boards while in a possible "Enforced Staycation" feel free to send me a DM, and I might be able to get a devboard into your letterbox for you to work on, with the expectation it returns sometime in the future.

I'll even answer any qns you might have, if I can.

If you are in NZ but not Chch, still drop me a DM, but you will need to work out some way to pay me for courier costs (e.g. PayPal).
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