All good points... Though I also hate Win-10. Just keeping it simple. . . . . . .
Yes, the 'drive' these days is towards 'Cloud-Based' software, & Online 'Browser-Based' software.
I HATE both of those, although I understand how the 'cloud' may help, across multiple devices.
And I also hate the (default!) crappy looking block shaped graphics of it's main screen interface.
To ME, their main reasons for all that is this... I think their main push is to get away from the traditional
PC as we know it, and gear everything towards Touch Screen Tablets, and the like. (So common now).
And to run the majority of software on them, like 'Dumb Terminals' used to be. And they favor the crappy
screen usage, to facilitate easy 'finger' operation of the devices. Although my latest 'laptop' is touch-
sensitive, and can fold down like a Tablet, if required, when at home or at a desk, I want to use my
MOUSE!!, and linked to a Graphics Pad/Pen if/when required. I just don't want/need this change!
I guess some people with old 'Brick' phones, or the cheap early 'Nokia's, scoffed at the need for todays
'Smart-Phones', although today, virtually NO-ONE is without one !!, and knows their power.
However, I still don't trust them, with what they are really doing "under the bonnet". ('Hood', haha...)