I bought it to help me solder boards I have. They are 6 layer with quite large ground planes, so the FX-951 is struggling a bit to solder some pins on IDC connector sockets and through hole capacitors. Given I have a lot of ground pins, even saving a second or two on each would be a nice improvement.
I won't buy a second Metcal from another source, because I cannot have that kind of money tied in another return process in case it goes wrong again.
The distributor is making the return difficult and I am potentially looking at few weeks before I get my money back if not more.
Did you try contacting Metcal at any point to see if they would be able to get you a quick replacement? Most likely a dead end, given their inability to respond to customers, but, might have been worth a shot. Or did you ask the distributor for a replacement instead of a refund?
So options I am considering are:
Hakko FX-971
Hakko FX-100
JBC-CD-2BF with T245 hand piece
JBC-DDE-2C with T245 hand piece
Would they give me what I am looking for? That is a bit more power into the 2mm tip so I can solder these pins quickly?
With a 2mm tip you won't get much power flowing through it due to limited surface area, use as large and short a tip as is convenient. MX5200 will honestly be one of the better options for that. But you've been burned so, go with one of the JBC's, you'll definitely see huge improvement.
FX971 - 100W - I wouldn't consider yet as this is completely unproven design
FX100 - 50W - Basically the same design but less power than the 80W MX5200, handpiece not as good
JBC-CD-2BF - 130W - T245 will max out around 130W - yes
JBC-DDE-2C - 150W - ok if you wanted two handpieces, or tweezers, etc. - yes