Brexit is a lot more complicated than that. A lot of it is down to the fact that the UK is very different, both socially and politically to most other European countries. Concern about immigration is an issue and that the idea that the UK has little influence over the EU regulations it has to follow. Unfortunately, it's quite likely the UK will remain a member of the single market and customs union, even after Brexit, so will truly have no say over any of the rules.
I voted remain, but if we leave, we must do it properly: no customs union or single market!
Yes, Brexit is a complicated, political problem but in the back of everything lies the idea that the UK in many ways needs protection from the EU. It is being a colossal blunder and can have no good ending. Any ending now will necessarily be a bad ending and what remains to be seen is just how bad it will be. In the worst of cases what we may be seeing here is the beginning of the end of the UK as we have known it all our lives.
In the 19th century the UK was a world power in its own right. In the 20th century the UK's strength was in its allies. WWII was not won by the UK but by the Allies. In the world stage the UK punched above its weight because it had excellent understanding of world politics and an excellent diplomacy.
In the late 20th century UK had lost its last big colonies and was trying to find its place in the world. There was a dream that it could become the head of a "Commonwealth Common Market" but that was unrealistic and did not work out. The only place where the UK could avoid becoming a nobody was in the EU but they would have to let go of those imperial dreams. Unfortunately, many politicians and other interested parties are supporting outdated dreams and they might profit from it but the UK will most definitely be harmed.
What happened to the UK that did the industrial revolution and became a world power by innovating and leading? What happened to the UK that dealt in the world stage and lead coalitions? Now the UK is retreating into its burrow hoping to find protection there but will be eaten alive by the wolves.
To say the UK was not having their voice heard in the EU is just silly and totally inaccurate. The public have been sold lies by many interested parties, some of them in the UK, others in the USA and Russia and China, all of which have interest in weakening Europe, and that includes the UK.
Does anybody really think a solitary UK is in any position of strength to negotiate deals with the USA or China? The UK will be eaten alive. Let me tell you something, if the UK leaves with no deal, the first thing that happens is the UK yields to the USA in dropping food requirements so the USA can export food that the EU does not admit right now. I guarantee it. UK farmers will have to adapt to this, if they can, and many will not be able to do it and will go out of business. They were promised Brexit would be a road to freedom and they will discover it was a road to serfdom.
The public has been sold lies and unrealistic expectations. The notion that "we are different" is just silly, empty rhetoric. Everybody is different. We are all unique snowflakes but, come on, it is because we are different that we choose to become part of the group where we can discuss things and come to agreements.
There are several hundred thousand Brits living in Spain voluntarily. Maybe we are not so different after all.
The truth is that there is much xenophobia and desire for protectionism in the vote for Brexit and this has been exploited by interested parties.
The EU has bent over backwards to accommodate the UK but it seems the UK is never satisfied. I think it was Sarkozy who, some years ago, said about Cameron negotiating was like "a man attending a wife swapping party without his spouse". Well, it looks like it will be the UK's turn in the barrel soon ... for a long time.
The UK will be in a very weak position to negotiate anything with anybody, starting with the EU as is becoming painfully obvious. The UK thought they could play one country against another but it had totally miscalculated and the EU countries stand together and talk with a single voice.
See UK alone in the world stage will be taken to the cleaners.
The EU will back any of its members against a UK outside the EU. The EU is 100% behind the Republic of Ireland as the UK is painfully realizing. If the UK departs the EU I expect to see pressure in other points, like Gibraltar.
The UK public have been sold a blurry dream which is just impossible. The UK wants to have its cake and eat it. How can you be outside the EU and not have a border with the EU in Ireland. And yet Auntie May (as the Chinese like to call her) insists that it is possible. It is not "to be or not to be, that is the question". The question here is how can we "be and not be" at the same time. The obvious answer is that it is effing impossible. And yet, here we are.
I am afraid this could well be "the beginning of the end" of the UK. If a backstop is put into place it could well drive Northern Ireland to rejoin the Republic of Ireland. Scotland voted to Remain and this could well be the nail that secures Scotland's independence. I think the public were never really aware of what all this entailed.
It has been a total and unmitigated disaster and is the responsibility of the political class. The public at large, in any country, are uneducated fools who will follow their leaders. The UK used to have world class leaders and are, sadly, now reduced to people like Cameron and May. The leaders have failed their people.
A hard Brexit would be an unmitigated disaster and UK leaders are very aware of that. A soft Brexit, besides being impossible is, well, impossible. And it makes no sense. The whole thing is a mess.
Go to Youtube and listen to James O'Brien's callers who are for Brexit. Not a single one of them can articulate anything clear and specific. It is all nebulous feelings of xenophobia directed at immigrants, competition, the EU, etc. They do not say it openly and clearly but that is what underlies their feelings.
In China they are having a field day watching the British Circus. They have not forgotten that a bit over a century ago they were invaded and humiliated by the UK and other western countries and I suspect they may be getting some satisfaction seeing how China is growing in power while the UK is mired in this mess of their own making.
And not only in China, here is John Oliver:
(BTW, I wonder if that video is censored in the UK.)