Electronics > Metrology

WinGPIB - Windows GPIB App (multi-purpose)

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--- Quote from: coromonadalix on May 15, 2024, 05:35:09 pm ---I think the next question would be :

Q:would it be possible from within WinGPB to execute some -pre programmed commands     say:  python or else

Meaning   WinGpib connect to the instrument and  "from the 3457 linked page",     you execute a cal dump thru it and save it elsewhere ?

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Actually, it's something I would like to add....i.e. a Python scripting interface from within WinGPIB......but it's likely quite complicated to do....for me anyways.


Hi Ian,
Downloaded the latest version and the graphing scales are matching the grid lines, yay!
But the resolution of the Y axis, in particular, has gone down to 4 digits. So a scale of 9.9999 to 10.0001 volts, for example, has no distinction between the scale values. Needs 6 digits after the decimal point really instead of 4, could this be fixed?


--- Quote from: chilternview on May 23, 2024, 05:24:24 pm ---Hi Ian,
Downloaded the latest version and the graphing scales are matching the grid lines, yay!
But the resolution of the Y axis, in particular, has gone down to 4 digits. So a scale of 9.9999 to 10.0001 volts, for example, has no distinction between the scale values. Needs 6 digits after the decimal point really instead of 4, could this be fixed?

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Are you talking about the Playback Chart?......if so it's fine with me.
Could you attach your CSV so I can check it out with your real data.


It's the live chart, not the playback chart... am I missing some option to set the # of digits precision for the live chart?


--- Quote from: chilternview on May 23, 2024, 06:31:56 pm ---It's the live chart, not the playback chart... am I missing some option to set the # of digits precision for the live chart?

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I'll have a look at it.


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