If the other guys didnt say it often enough: Weston-Cells are not used anymore, because they are vastly inferior in every aspect to a standard LTZ1000-module:
-HAZMAT - its a cocktail of mercury and cadmium in a glass vial: nobody wants this stuff
-cant be transported without problems / nobody wants to transport this stuff
-temperature coefficient larger than a LTZ1000
-cant be loaded at all / necessitates complicated equipment
Even if somebody would donate me one, i wouldnt want to have it, because of the chemical gunk in the glass vial. Conrad also has thrown his away.
Now to the Gallium-Cell-idea: These cells are expensive as fuck (as far as i know, may be they cost way less in Pakistan, also they arent operating at their triple point) and arent contributing in any way more than a standard temperature controller.