I just got a new Dymo 5XL and tore it down since people mentioned that the new 5XL does not work anymore while the old one does.
And surprise surprise, the new boards are different.
There is now a 128kbit eeprom added to the board. It's a BL24C128A.
I'm sure that's where they are storing it now and not inside the STM itself.
So.. I wonder what would happen if you keep that IC reset? I wonder if the printer would continue.
Would it make sense to read the (unencrypted?) data and figure some more out?
BL24C128A = 16kByte EEPROM thats a lot of extra memory to store UIDs and counter values.
Looking at the overall security of the device and software I highly doubt they added an encryption layer and even if they might have, than for sure something in ECB mode...
So wild guess... emulating the EEPROM from bluepill and replay the empty factory state after each power cycle will most likely solve the problem.
And adding a I2C EEPROM emulation to bluepill is just another few lines in the project. Unfortunately one would need to unsolder the EEPROM and add some wires for an emulation to work (no plug and play naymore ;-)
Can you make some high res pictures of the PCB?
Unfortunately I don't have one of the new printers and I'm not sure how to identify...
Maybe we can identify new and old versions with the serial number on the box.
I have 2 old versions with following serial number sticker on box:
OLD: QE13508005...
OLD: QE34400474...
BTW: @D*YM*0 ..., since it looks like you read here ;-) WHERE is the new FCC approval for the obviously changed hardware

Also, I was looking for the IC of the 3volt power supply, but I couldn't find it yet. It's different from the normal 550. I was wondering how many amps it would allow to pull. If we could use an ESP32-C3 to be the middleman, then it would be easy to wirelessly reprogram it with different ID's. But the C3 pulls max 500mA so I was a bit hesitant to try it out.
Why ESP32... Now since even iPhone can do HCE, an Android or iPhone should be able to emulate a NFC-TAG which could be used to communicate with bluepill over the NFC antenna from the spool reader.
Just not having enough time is the only limit here ;-)