This morning I didn't have the time to have a look at all the posts about that topic.
Turns out that the findings, namely pooving that the destruction of counterfeit chips was deliberate was already done!
Hat's up to you guys. Beside one troll that has already been banned this is a real on topic discussion.
We had a meeting at work today about that issue:
Our board assembler gets all the material from trustworty distributors.
However there is still a residual risk of having counterfeit mixed with genuine one.

So we decided to slowly transition AWAY from FTDI because we deem them to be UNTRUSTWORTY from now on.

The problem: They don't have a go at the fake manufacturers but at the customers who have already been betraid by the delivery of the counterfeit chips in the first place.
One product will be most likey be changed to Silicon Labs CP2110 or CP2104.
This means around 3000 pcs FT232R + some others sold less for them every year.
There are now around 17K of these in our products out in the field somewhere.
I don't want to even think about the support line being unindated with calls when the Windows update installs new drivers.
As of now there are 0 reports. I really hope it stays like that.

I work in a small company and we just can't take the risk of getting units back from far away because they are blown by a driver.