Yes, so I disassembled the first meter to replace the 9V battery connector after the provided battery leaked and seeing the seller did not want to get it back (it was replaced under warranty). Afterwards, the meter turned back on but was stuck with "InErr" (jack beep). I managed to find the issue: the two sides of the amp jack were connected together due to a soldering issue, causing the meter to think the lead was in the amp jack. After that repair, the meter went back in the box, so I never really used it (except one time where I had to measure the temperature in my fridge) so maybe it had other problems that i did not see at the time.
Yesterday, I disassembled the rotary switch of this meter for the first time (to check if it could be the cause of my problem). I marked with a Sharpie the position of the switch before taking it apart and took the following pictures (please ignore the position of the lead, was testing the jack beep feature).
For the second meter, I never disassembled the switch, i only check if i could have blown a fuse (none were blown).
The strange thing is that the last time I used my main meter (the second one) several months ago, it was working normally and has been sitting unused on my desk until now. o my knowledge, no one has used it besides me.
I live in a tropical climate with temperatures around 25-35°C and humidity over 80%.
I will try to clean the board of the first one with some electronic cleaner and see if it makes any difference.
Update: Forgot one picture