Post 1
Well after a LOT of scraping around threads here, and watching Dave's youtube tear-downs, I've gone and jumped into the world of modern oscilloscopes.
First "real" scope was an old tek 502 in perfect working order that someone gifted me back in the late 80s. have a tek 2246A with low hours that I got a few years back and I need to give it a capacitor refresh, but it works for what it is -- just afraid one of these times I'm gonna turn it on and lose something important to a faulty crapacitor... It's in too good a shape to let that happen really -- I need to do it justice!
Just couldn't pass up the deals siglent is offering on their SDS2000X Plus series, now that the 2000 HD series is getting all the love. I want one of those too, but I thought for now, just a SDS2104X+ to warm up on with the SSA3021X+ I ordered at the same time would be more than enough.
Love the NanoVNA for sure, but gee whiz, all it did was whet the appetite!
Things probably won't end well for the food budget heading into the new year. 12bits are now on the brain. Considering the relatively low cost, of the X+, jumping right into a 2104X HD and having two four channel scopes on the bench seems pretty doable -- one for MSO stuff (the X+ came bundled with the SPL2016 adapter) and the HD for small signal analog stuff
Lots of tabs are opened with all the good threads about "enhancing" these two machines and hope that I can issue all the correct incantations in the correct order without having to pester all of you pros (<tips hat to tv84>) -- wish me luck!