Our TH2830 can be set to any frequency between 50Hz and 100KHz. Just connected the LCR probes to a counter and typed in 10.123KHz and got 10.122889KHz, then entered 51.987Hz and got 51.986334Hz, then entered 87.654KHz and got 87.653044KHz, 99.999KHz and got 99.997911KHz, then 99.999Hz and got 99.997995Hz. That's why I indicated this is using a DDS for the signal generation.
This must be an "undocumented" feature, as you enter the desired frequency using the "inc" and "dec" keys you step thru the predefined frequencies as you expect from the spec sheet.
However, if you use the keypad the screen will turn RED for the frequency display, even if you hit "Enter", but if you select Hz, KHz it accepts the input (as long as KHz is less than 100, and Hz is greater than 50), screen turns blue and the LCR meter outputs the desired frequency
If you try MHz the meter beeps and displays a RED Out of Range Error message, same with above for <50Hz or >100KHz.
So it seems that the TH2830 can implement just about any frequency between 50Hz and 100KHz even tho the specs indicate NOT
I'll wager a brew that your ST2830 can do the same if you use the keypad technique described above
Know Thomas has a TH2830, hopefully he will spot this and give it a try!!!
BTW, the DDS is likely be big cost saving difference between the ET4410 and the TH2830.