I've been conflicted since this came to light. My thoughts, if anyone cares;
To my knowledge, Rigol doesn't have a website that offers paid option/model# upgrades that turn a DHO804-->DHO924 or a 914-->924
Yet, we seem to be fine generating these license keys to save $$$. Even when some of these upgrades legitimately take keep money from their bottom line. Hypocrites, the lot of us.
For the majority of us, de-compiling/editing/re-compiling an APK is a daunting task. @Andybig, @shapirus, @Randy222 did an amazing job, laying the foundation for the UI hacking mods. I hope to someday "repay them in kind" with one of my development/hacks.
I guess if you look at @mrisco's work as a modification service, packaging a custom APK model makes the most sense. That's a helluva lot of work, and for the asking price, it should come with a commitment to support the app after future OEM upgrades, or other defects.
The APK is worthless to anyone without a DHO scope, so it's not like it's a direct threat to their financial well being like other app developers.