Any chance you had the manuals for these before purchasing one ?
Some of them. More an exercise in checking out the availability of 70000-series manuals in general, and seeing what kind they are. A: well past the era when HP produced useful service manuals. Whether I can find CLIPs for these modules, don't know yet.
Most of my time lately has been going into something else. Old mum's health declined, taken to hospital then moved to nursing home, bedridden and declining rapidly. Me being the only one to clear out her house urgently and arrange the house sale. Now my place is stuffed full of multiple generations of family relics, with the job of culling it down still remaining. That was the house I mostly grew up in too. Sad times recently.
That mountain of manuals in the USA are still there, still mine. But I need to go there to handle the work myself, and a certain entity demands something before granting a visa, that I'm certainly not willing to accept. So just have to wait till something changes. Which comes first - nuclear WWIII, Neuremburg II trials, total economic collapse, civil war, or I scrape in and rescue the manuals, who knows.
SoundTech-LG, brilliant, thank you. Bought. I'm a bit overwhelmed with worries lately. That's my excuse for not thinking of that. I hope they are the same as the heavy metal module ones. It would seem sensible that they would be, but with HP... fingers crossed.