I am another HP 70000 SA owner. I got the system some years ago, and recently did a little upgrade
from a 70904A (100Hz to 2.9GHz) to the 70908A (100Hz to 22GHz) frontend.
The system consist of:
HP 70004A Display with 4 slots:
HP 70902A IF module
HP 70903A IF module
HP 70900A LO
HP 70001A Mainframe 8 slots:
HP 70310A frequency reference (to be able to feed 10MHz from my Z3801A to the system)
HP 70300A tracking generator up to 2.9GHz
HP 70700A digitizer
HP 70908A RF Section up to 22GHz
A HP 70904A and a 70905A are also here, but I think I will sell one of them.
The 70900A is running with the processor board of a 70952A optical spectrum analyzer, which contains the latest firmware and works great.
But I have a problem (not sure if it is a problem):
The system has the 70300A Tracking Generator (20Hz-2,9GHz) included. When I check the frequency of the
tracking generator (span 0Hz, not sweeping), it is off for a different amount depending on resolution BW of the analyzer.
But the offset is constant even for very different output frequencies:
Center Freq. Res. BW Output Freq. Offset
1 MHz 10 1.000.018,00 18
30 1.000.022,00 22
100 1.000.026,00 26
300 1.000.037,00 37
1k 1.000.055,00 55
3k 1.000.030,00 30
10k 1.000.405,00 405
30k 998.530,00 -1470
100k 993.780,00 -6220
300k 1.030.028,00 30028
1M 1.037.528,00 37528
3M 1.337.528,00 337528
10 MHz 10 10.000.018,00 18
30 10.000.022,00 22
100 10.000.026,00 26
300 10.000.037,00 37
1k 10.000.055,00 55
3k 10.000.030,00 30
10k 10.000.405,00 405
30k 9.998.530,00 -1470
100k 9.993.780,00 -6220
300k 10.030.028,00 30028
1M 10.037.528,00 37528
3M 10.337.528,00 337528
100 MHz 10 100.000.018,00 18
30 100.000.022,00 22
100 100.000.026,00 26
300 100.000.037,00 37
1k 100.000.055,00 55
3k 100.000.030,00 30
10k 100.000.405,00 405
30k 99.998.530,00 -1470
100k 99.993.780,00 -6220
300k 100.030.028,00 30028
1M 100.037.528,00 37528
3M 100.337.528,00 337528
As You can see, the offset is allways the same regardless the center frequency, but I think it should be
much closer to the CF.
All equipment runs from the same 10MHz reference. The SA seems to be accurate in CF, and the 300MHz
on the front to the LO is also perfect.
No errors show up. Output frequencies are stable.
Any ideas what to check?