Thanks. Yes, I've searched the net and Thingiverse. It would seem I've found a forumite willing to lend a hand ;-)
All my attempts to get into something like FreeCad have failed. At some point I realise I'll never "really" be good at it and I don't need another skill that I "kinda" can do ;-)
I would encourage you to give another try to FreeCad. I won't pretend that I am doing modeling right. My sons, who both do mechanical modeling professionally sneer at my efforts, but doing simple things comes fairly easy. And even "kinda" doing like I do has proved extremely useful. Having a specific project aids me tremendously in learning, you may find it the same. When I run into a block trying to accomplish something I look for an Online tutorial and it is usually cleared up quickly.
Basically your knob appears to be a truncated cone with a hollow square rod for attachment to whatever it is going on to. Using the Parts Workbench these are canned shapes.
A big aid can be if you can figure out the manufacturer of the switch or pot this knob attaches to (or a similar product). These 3D files are much more readily obtainable, and can be subtracted from a simple knob model to get the attachment right.
Why don't you post some key measurements of your knob (diameter at top and bottom) and measurements of the base. I (or somebody more competent) might get motivated to do at least a rough model to get you started.
As another path, you might search this forum and eBay for the instrument that this knob comes from. On eBay you might find a non-working one sold for parts that meets your budget, while on the forums you might find someone who has a parts donor.
Finally, if your need is only for functionality and you don't care about appearance you can take some scrap plastic and with a drill, some jewelers files and an exacto knife carve something that does the job. I have done this on a couple of occasions.