"Segments flashing" I have no idea what that looks like, is that the bar graph?
No, mostly 7-segment element at the bottom left corner of transparent display window, where this issue can be reproduced.
The segment flashing with high contrast black color and then smoothly fading off.
But I notice this issue with LCD flashing was more high when DMM was new, just out of the box.
Later, when display plastic is contaminated with dust, it going to almost not noticeable, but still present...
I think there is some kind of flaw DMM design, coincidence of the case design, the properties of the case material and insufficient shielding of the electronics. It leads to some induction of static electricity on the inner side of plastic window and as result it leads to some electrostatic effects on LCD and measurement part.
I think the plastic transparent window of DMM works like capactior, where outer surface is one capactor terminal and inner window surface works like second terminal of capacitor. It allows to induce high electric charge on inner window surface by touching outer window surface. Or something like that.