..some tests with a professional signal generator....
I take partial picture about this test xls to here. I hope Mastro Gippo accept this copy. (in copy read source info)

I want ask: What are numbers in Y scale? (My quess (becouse these shown numbers) is that they are scope measured RMS and if they are, please connect this 50ohm terminator and test agen

). Sig gen output is for 50ohm load.)
What are oscilloscope settings in this measure. Same settings in whole frequency scale? (scope mV/div, equtime or realtime? x ns/div? normal memory? Sinx/x on/off?)
What is signal exactly connection to oscilloscope inputs. (cable type/termination? calibration or some opinion how accurate leveling over used freq range = also if it is R&S it may be fail.)
If I or somebody tell data/numbers but not tell how I get data/numbers they are nearly or just as garbage...

I ask becouse there is something wrong!
there is minimum 3 posibilities:
1. Test configuration is bad? (bad cable/missing or fail termination.)
2. Your oscilloscope is fail. (not my first opinion becouse both channels equal)
3. Signal generator is fail. (leveling defect)
If all is ok with test: 1052Emod or 1102E frequency response (flatness) is never as bad as in picture. If picture freq response is true for these scopes they are just as toys or garbace stuffs. (but they are not if they work normally)
But in real: Simple, I think test configuration fails