mmm they are offering you "VHDL studio" for eval, 15 days for free.
i Altera and Xilinx are missing a good editor, SIGASI seems to be a valid one, unfortunately the free-license is limited to 32Kbyte of VHDL code for the whole project which is too poor for me.
About Modelsim … well i'd like to tryout the Mentor's one, never done, but i am tempted 
Agreed on Quartus II editor not being better, I mean it's good enough but what gets me is that I can't do a simple find in project unless I open every single file.
I have not tried to override the text editor yet, but I guess I should try that one of these days. It's under Tools/Options/Preferred Text Editor, with Sigasi being on that list, but since I have Notepad++ I might see what I can do with that, just tried it and it work but haven't really use it just know it works.
I've even looked at the Notepad++ API and it's simple enough for Windows. But Np++ has already Verilog and VHDL support as a language and it's free. No SystemVerilog (.sv) support yet but adding new language support is possible and probably already on the net.
As for the simulation modelsim-altera is fine for my needs and it's free as well, but you can override all that on a per project bases and plug in the tools you prefer for synthesis and/or simulation.
But my point is that for $49 you can get this: actually use it instead of just simulate

Edit: Ha, I convinced myself to get one even if I already have a Cyclone V E dev kit but this has standard GPIO's for LVDS instead of the high speed mezzanine connector that cost an arm and a leg. Well it's just a grade 8 speed so 333MHz max, and my Nano is grade 6 (faster) but for $50 had to get it