So basically, I need 2000 flip flops no matter what, because I need a constant presence of 2000 bits at the same time, wich I do.
I was under the impression that I could do a RAM register as wide as I wanted, but I can only access 1 register at a time( saw that in a video), wich in my case was perfect. But still, I need flip flops to store ot to connect in permanence to ram bits.
I understand now.
I will try to explore that pdf, but I fear it will be intense, more intense than 1000 page stm32 documents.
edit: not so bad this document, not so bad.
btw, I notice that quartus compilation report doesnt show me flips flops used, just logic elements, registers, memory bits., but the xilinx compilation report seems to tell people, from images I saw, am I looking at the right place?